


Compared with the silver coins of Sun Xiaotou and Yuan Datou, the military government made Sichuan copper coins with a relatively narrow circulation and relatively less circulation. Because of this reason, the research value and market value of Sichuan copper yuan have become very high. As the saying goes, "things are rare and expensive". Because the coin is a special historical period and special currency of local regime, it has the characteristics of irreplaceable cultural relic value, which is very precious from the angle of collection and investment.



After more than ten years of cultivation, the coin auction market, represented by mechanism currency, has finally blossomed. Even in comparison with overseas markets, the mainland market is not bad at all. The collectors and investors are more knowledge-based, more open in vision and profound changes in their ideas. They are more critical of the pursuit of the collection, and pay more attention to the perfect product and future value of the collection on the premise of precious and scarce. According to the Sichuan copper coin investors on the market, the Sichuan copper coin is a mass collection, the collector has a certain number, the previous domestic regions have the strength type buyers to intervene in the Sichuan copper coin plate, to a certain extent, control the supply of the market, leading to the rapid rise of its price. At the same time, the value of Sichuan copper coins is rising at the same time. Judging from the acceptability of collectors and citizens, it is expected that the price of copper coins will continue to rise in the later stage of Sichuan


----------------------------------------------------------In the past more than 20 years of reform and opening up, the depth and breadth of money collection and research in China has exceeded any period in history. Money collector has spread throughout the country and town, and the rare and rare historical coins have been discovered, especially in large-scale basic construction. In many ways, the currency of the Republic of China has become a new favorite for coin investment.


此次幸征集到军政府造“四川铜币当制钱五十文”一枚,藏品直径3.4cm, 重17.4g。此币保存很好,包浆自然,成色匀整,色泽明亮,造型优雅,寓意深远,不论是文字还是图案,都显得自然细腻,深浅合适,具有良好的艺术价值、观赏价值、文物价值和收藏价值,其未来的升值空间无可限量矣!--------------------------------------------------------------------

Fortunately, the military government created a "Fifty coins of Sichuan copper coin", which was 3.4cm in diameter and weighed 17.4g. This coin is well preserved. It is natural, full of color, bright color, elegant shape and profound meaning. Whether it is a text or a pattern, it appears natural and delicate and suitable. It has good artistic value, ornamental value, cultural relic value and collection value, and its future space is not limited.




Consulting the price:1.280.000RMB


In the two years of the Republic of China, the military government made Sichuan copper coins to make money. One hundred, "gold and copper coins".

