勵志:Always remember the past, but never get stuck

I don’t ever need anyone to promise me that they will never hurt me because sooner or later it will happen. 不需要任何人承諾說,不會傷我。因為遲早,這都會發生。

The reason why people give up so quickly is because they look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have come.人們為什麼輕言放棄?因為他們只是看到前方路途遙遠,而忘記了身後的一路堅持。

勵志:Always remember the past, but never get stuck

When I go to bed, half the time I’m not really sleeping. I’m usually just lying there playing my phone. 當我上床睡覺,一半時間我是真的在睡覺,但經常的是我躺在那裡玩手機。

Maybe it’s not always about trying to fix something broken. Maybe it’s about starting over and creating something better. 也許不必要試著把什麼修好,也許是要從頭開始,創造些更好的東西。

勵志:Always remember the past, but never get stuck

Always remember the past, but never get stuck. 銘記過去,但絕不深陷其中。

Everyone gets tired.No one can take the pain for you. You have to go through it and grow up. 每個人都會累,沒人能為你承擔所有的傷悲,人總有那麼一段時間要學會自己長大。

勵志:Always remember the past, but never get stuck


