地道美語!英語 have oodles of questions 到底是問題多還是少?

地道美語!英語 have oodles of questions 到底是問題多還是少?

see you: 再見;回頭見;I'll see you at 6:00 我們六點再見;

----"Goodbye, see you tomorrow. After lunch will be better for me." (再見,明天見,最好午飯過後來找我)

----"Okay, see you then. Bye." (好的,到時候見)----《劍橋雅思聽力》

地道美語!英語 have oodles of questions 到底是問題多還是少?

agenda 美 [ə'dʒɛndə]: a list of problems or subjects that a government, organization etc is planning to deal with〔政府、機構等的〕待辦事項,日程表

"But pushing thatagenda with the Chinese will not be easy." (但同中國人推進這一議程並不容易)----VOA News

"Agenda 2010 does not deserve all the credit for Germany's success." (德國的成功不能全部歸功於“2010議程”)----《經濟學人》

這裡的what's on the day's agenda 字面直譯是今天的議程上有什麼?換成我們平常說話的方式就是今天的議程是什麼,這裡就是老闆有點假正經,明明說今天咱們有哪些活兒要幹,今天要做些什麼就行了,偏偏說成今天我們的議程是什麼。

地道美語!英語 have oodles of questions 到底是問題多還是少?

oddles 美 ['udlz] /oodles of sth: a large amount of something 大量某物,許多某物

They’ve got oodles ofmoney. 他們有很多錢。----有道英語

"Lived in a teapot and had oodles of friends." (住在茶壺裡,有很多好朋友)----《瑪麗和馬克思》

"You must have oodles ofquestions after that movie." (你們看完電影一定有好多問題)----《雷蒙斯尼奇的不幸歷險》

end up: to be in a particular situation, state, or place after a series of events, especially when you did not plan it〔尤指經歷一系列意外後〕最終處於,到頭來

"You could end up on his operating table." (你也許會在他的手術檯上)----美劇《美國恐怖故事》

"Who knew you'd end up shaming him and disgracing your ancestors." (誰成想你最終會


That's all for today

March 29, 2018. XOXO

地道美語!英語 have oodles of questions 到底是問題多還是少?

