马克龙访美 伊朗、叙利亚和贸易是重大议题

U.S. President Donald Trump officially welcomes French President Emmanuel Macron with an arrival ceremony Tuesday at the White House before the leaders hold official talks and attend a state dinner.


马克龙访美 伊朗、叙利亚和贸易是重大议题


The ceremony is set to include nearly 500 service members from all five branches of the U.S. military, while Trump's first state dinner will feature entertainment by the Washington National Opera company.


Tuesday's bilateral meeting comes with several issues of global importance confronting the governments of both countries, including the war in Syria, Iran's nuclear program and Trump's plan to impose tariffs on aluminum and steel imports.


马克龙访美 伊朗、叙利亚和贸易是重大议题

Trump takes great pride in his friendship with Macron, which is one of the reasons he invited the French president to be his guest for the first state visit of a foreign leader in his administration.


Iran would regard the reimposition of sanctions as killing the deal and threatens to restart its nuclear program.


马克龙访美 伊朗、叙利亚和贸易是重大议题

