
1、In order to “change lives for the better” and reduce “dependency”, George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, introduced the “upfront work search” scheme.


解析:本句是由主語George Osborne+謂語 introduced+賓語the “upfront work search” scheme結構的簡單句,名詞短語Chancellor of the Exchequer作主語的同位語,介詞短語In order to “change lives for the better” and reduce “dependency”作目的狀語


2、Only if the jobless arrive at the jobcentre with a CV, register for online job search, and start looking for work will they be eligible for benefit—and then they should report weekly rather than fortnightly.


解析:本句是複合句。主句是部分倒裝句,其主語是they,系動詞是will be,表語是eligible,介詞短語for benefit作表語補足語。If引導的條件狀語從句,作主句的條件狀語;副詞only作狀語,表強調。從句的主語是the jobless,and連接三個並列的謂賓;謂語一是arrive at,其賓語是the jobcentre,介詞短語with a CV做伴隨狀語;謂語二是register for,其賓語是online job search;謂語三是 start,賓語是looking for work。破折號後的and then they should report weekly rather than fortnightly對前述內容進行補充說明。

3、“We’re doing these things because we know they help people stay off benefits and help those on benefits get into work faster.”


解析:本句是複合句,主句是由主語+謂語+賓語構成。Because引導的原因狀語從句,作主句的原因狀語;該從句的主語是we,謂語是know,省略引導詞的that的賓語從句作know的賓語。賓語從句中,they是主語,and連接並列的謂賓help people和help those,省略to的動詞不定式短語stay off benefits和get into work faster分別作賓語people和those的補足語。介詞短語on benefits作後置定語,修飾those。

4、On first hearing, this was the socially concerned chancellor, trying to change lives for the better, complete with “reforms” to an obviously indulgent system that demands too little effort from the newly unemployed to find work, and subsidises laziness.


解析:, 句子主幹:this主語 +was系動詞+ the socially concerned chancellor表語, On first hearing介詞短語作狀語,trying to change lives for the better作伴隨狀語, complete with “reforms” to an obviously indulgent system進一步解釋說明, that demands too little effort from the newly unemployed to find work, and subsidises laziness引導的定語從句修飾system

