英語共讀:What I learned from drawing my face



What I learned from drawing my face

閱讀難度:★★★☆☆(個人情感)Words: about 330; Time: 5.5 minutes


英語共讀:What I learned from drawing my face

There were times when I wanted to be a fashion designer, a model, or a rock star but I gave up on all of them halfway. The one thing I stuck with was drawing.

That’s why this “100 Days of Self Love” project was both such a joy and a challenge.

The rules I set for myself were simple: one self-portrait (自畫像) a day for 100 days. Following my own advice, I wanted to achieve something outside of my day job. Not only did I get a sketchbook (素描本) to keep forever out of this project, but I also got a little better with my work ethic (道德標準), improved my skills and learned some valuable lessons. Plus, I proved to myself that I could do it. I learned to look at myself.

In our selfie-obsessed (沉迷於自拍的) culture, we take pictures of our faces all the time without a second thought. I wanted to find out the meaning of “self” and see what I could learn. I quickly realized that I never looked at my face so carefully.

英語共讀:What I learned from drawing my face

By about day 20, I got a good sense of what I looked like — I could draw myself pretty well. My face was familiar to me — instead of just being the image (鏡像) in the mirror.

I also got tired of looking at myself. I could never get my nose right, and I wanted to draw something other than my face. The last 40 days were very hard. All I could do was tell myself to never give up!

Drawing my face every day for 100 days was difficult. But I made it! I now have a sketchbook that I can keep for years. Although things are not perfect, I’m still proud that I finished this project.

This project was a good reminder that if I set my mind on something — and if I’m actually crazy about it — I can do it.

And if I can do this, what else can’t I achieve?

英語共讀:What I learned from drawing my face

From: www.huffingtonpost.com


【啟示】 心中定一個目標,併為實現它而努力!持之以恆,定會有所回報。如果目標太大,那就先從小目標開始,一步一個腳印地前進吧!

英語共讀:What I learned from drawing my face


英語共讀:What I learned from drawing my face

