


1. native

(1)ADJ:出生地的,當地出生的,土產的▽This company wants a native speaker of English. 這家公司需要一個以英語為母語的人。▽(be native to (指動植物)原產於(某地))The giant panda is native to China. 大熊貓原產於中國。

(2)N:本地人,土著人▽Are you a native here, or just a visitor to visit the minority in the rainforest? 你是本地人還是隻是個來參觀熱帶雨林的少數民族的遊客?


one’s native language= one’s mother tongue 本族語,本國語

a native of 生於……的人;原產於……的動植物

2. in use “在使用中”,常作表語、定語等。▽Varied old machines are still in use. 各種各樣的舊機器還在使用中。


be of use 有用

make good use of 好好利用

be of no use 沒用

put...to / into use 使用,利用

be out of use 不再使用

make full use of 充分利用

注意:It’s no use doing sth.;It’s not useful to do sth.。這兩種句型含義基本相同,只是習慣上分別用doing sth.和to do sth.作真正主語。▽It’s no use arguing with him. 跟他爭吵沒用。▽It’s not useful to argue with him. 跟他爭吵沒用。

It’s no good doing sth.和It’s not good to do sth.跟上面的句型很相似。

3. foolish ADJ:

(1)愚蠢的,傻的▽(Sb. is / was foolish enough to do sth. 某人很愚蠢地做某事)I was foolish enough to believe he was in pain then. 我真蠢,竟相信他當時處於痛苦中。▽(It is / was foolish of sb. to do sth. 某人愚蠢地做某事)It was foolish of me to take the test without preparation. 對我來說,沒準備就去應試真愚蠢。

(2)不知所措,出醜,顯得尷尬▽He’s afraid of looking foolish in front of his friends. 他怕在朋友面前出醜。


make a fool of sb. 愚弄某人

fool sb. into doing sth. 哄騙某人做某事

4. in the distance 在遠處▽It was foolish of me to ignore someone’s cry for help in the distance. 聽到遠處有人喊救命,我竟充耳不聞,真是愚蠢至極。▽The skyscraper of the city can be seen in the distance. 在遠處能看到這座城市的摩天大樓。


in the distance 在遠處,遠距離

at a distance 有一定距離,在稍遠處

5. set off

(1)動身,出發(= set out)▽(set off for sp.= set out for sp. 動身去某地)If you want to catch that train, you’d better set off for the station immediately. 你要是想趕上那班火車,最好馬上動身去火車站。

(2)引爆,爆發;引發(某種情緒)▽The discovery of gold in California set off a rush to get there. 加利福尼亞州黃金的發現引起一股到那兒的熱潮。


set aside 留出,撥出;對……不予考慮

set up 建立,創立;設置

set down 記下,寫下

6. loose ADJ:

(1)疏鬆的,不結實的,不堅固的;未固定牢的;可分開的;寬鬆的▽Loose soil is good for crops. 疏鬆的土壤對莊稼有好處。▽It’s foolish of you to use it again because the plug has come / got loose. 你再去用它就太傻了,因為這個插頭鬆脫了。▽He is wearing a loose jacket. 他穿著一件寬鬆的夾克衫。

(2)不受約束的;自由的▽(let loose sth. (尤指大聲或突然)發出,喊出)Just close your eyes and let loose your imagination. 閉上眼睛,海闊天空地遐想一番吧。▽(let...loose 讓……自由,釋放;放任)

7. adjust V:(使)適應,適合▽(adjust to 適應(環境等))▽(adjust oneself to使某人自己適應)The body quickly adjusted itself to changes in temperature. 身體迅速調節自身來適應氣溫的變化。Let’s set off for this big city and we can adjust ourselves to the rush of modern life there. 讓我們動身去這個大都市吧,我們能夠調整自己以適應那裡現代生活的忙碌。▽(adjust to doing 適應做)My parents had trouble adjusting to living in an apartment. 我父母不習慣住公寓。▽(adjust...to... 調整……以適應/適合……)There is no need for us to adjust the price to their needs. 我們不需要調整價格來滿足他們的要求。


(1)make adjustment(s) to 對……作出調整


fit in with / adjust to / adapt to / be accustomed to / be used to (doing)等。

8. furnish VT:

(1)擺放傢俱,佈置▽(furnish...with...= be furnished with用……佈置)They furnished their old house with new furniture. = Their old house was furnished with new furniture. 他們為舊房子配上了新傢俱。

(2)供應,提供▽We should adjust ourselves to a hotel which can’t be furnished with all the necessary equipment. 我們應該使自己適應一個不能提供全套的必要設備的賓館。


agreement N:

(1)[U]同意,一致▽(in agreement with 同意,與……一致)We are in agreement with their decision. 我們同意他們的決定。

(2)[C]協議;協定,契約▽(sign an agreement with 與……簽約)▽(make / arrive at / come to / reach an agreement 達成協議)You have broken our agreement by damaging the important remains. 你已違背了我們之間的協議,因為你損壞了這些重要的遺蹟。


