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Like other parties, the Jewish Rabbi emphasized restraint in his speech. They said that once they said a word, it was like an arrow that was shot and could never be recovered.

Rabigha Mare told his servant Tabay: "Go to the bazaar and buy some good food for me."

The servant went and brought back a tongue.

He told the servants again: "Go to the bazaar and buy me some bad food."

The servant went and brought back a tongue.

Rabbi asked him, "I say "good food," and you bring back a tongue; I say bad food, and you bring back a tongue. Why is that?"

He replied: "It is the root of good and evil. When it is good, it is no better than it is; when it is evil, there is nothing worse than it."

A Persian king is ill. His doctor told him that the only hope of living is to drink the milk of the female lion. The king turned to his servants and asked, "Who wants to get the lion's milk for me?"

"I am willing to," answered one man. "If you can give me ten sheep."

The man came with a sheep and came to a lion's den. A lioness was feeding her children. On the first day, this man stood a certain distance and threw it to the lioness and a sheep. The lion quickly devoured the sheep. The next day, he approached a little and threw a sheep over. In this way, ten days later, he made friends with the lioness. He could touch it and play with his children. Finally, he got the lion's milk and returned.

Half way, the man had a dream and dreamed that his body's organs were quarreling with each other. His feet said: "No organ can compare with us. If we don't walk to the lioness, this person will not Bring the milk to the king."

The hand replied: "But if we don't get milk, he will have no milk for the king.

"But," said the eye. "If it weren't for our guidance, he couldn't do anything.

"I'm stronger than you," cried out, "if you didn't think of this plan, you couldn't do anything.

"I'm the best," said the tongue. "Because I don't speak, what can you do?

"How dare you compare with us?" All the organs of the body laugh at it.

"You can only stay in that dark, frustrating place, with no bones."

"You will understand," said the tongue. "Today you will say that I rule over all your organs.

The man woke up and continued on the road. He came to the king's bedroom and said: "This is the dog I got for you.

"Dog milk?!" the king was furious. "What I want is the lion's milk. Pull this person out to hang! On the way out, all the organs of this person's body begin to tremble.

Then the tongue said to them, "I told you I was stronger than you. If I saved you, did you admit that I ruled you?" They all agreed quickly.

"Bring me back to see the king." The tongue shouted to the performer. This man was brought back to the king.

“Why did you hang me?” the man asked. “This milk can cure your illness.

Didn’t you know that the lioness also had the time to be called a 'bitch'?”

The king’s royal doctor took over the milk and carefully examined it, confirming that this milk was indeed the mother’s milk. After the king drank the lioness's milk, she quickly became ill.

The king's imperial body was recovered because of this man's milk obtained from the lioness. Therefore, the king rewarded him. Now, all organs of the body are turned to the tongue: “We salute you, you are our rulers.” They said flatly.

The meaning of this parable is: the tongue can kill people and save lives.

