

世界農化網中文網報道: 上月底,歐盟最高法院裁定基因編輯作物為轉基因作物,業界一片譁然。之後有讀者留言詢問目前是否有辦法將基因編輯和傳統育種作物區分出來,要知道基因編輯可以做到不引進外源基因,最後選育的作物和傳統育種基本沒什麼區別。為此,我們邀請了全球的專家來和世界農化網一起探討這一問題。我們也希望中國的讀者朋友們能參與我們的討論,歡迎評論留言。

Alejandro Hernández, CropLife Latin America(植保拉美協會)

Imagine you sample the whole shipment right now from a Comercial commodity, in the market there are several varieties that had cross pollinated and between them there is huge genomic differences and they are all mixed in the commodities trade, meaning that you will have billions of grains and consequently billions of possibilities, you add the spontaneous single base pair mutation rate which is be roughly 7×10-9 per bp per generation at least in Arabidopsis and the natural mutation by UV and transposons, and, perhaps you can find the same genome editing mutation, by chance and done by nature. So, sequencing may do the work of detection, but finding the origin of that mutation would be very difficult.


Rosa Inés González-Torres, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México(墨西哥國立自治大學)

These have technical difficulties to stablish the differences but it is not impossible (you have to compare the whole genome of both), that is a reason why some governments are analysing the situation. It would be better to trust in the scientific auto-regulation.


Mark Gadlage, DuPont Pioneer(杜邦先鋒)

Most likely, DNA sequencing will be needed to determine if a specific cultivar, variety, or hybrid was subject to gene editing. In some cases where edits are made and can be found identically in nature from a specific species, it will essentially be up to the companies that are creating gene edited crops to be upfront and honest about which cultivars, varieties, or hybrids were created through the technology.


Ray Shillito, BASF(巴斯夫)

Single base or small deletions are indistinguishable from naturally occurring so no analytical methods cannot distinguish.


Dr.Venkata RamiReddy Sanampudi, Limagrain(利馬格蘭)

Can not we detect through difference in nucleotide change before and after editing by means of SNP genotyping and other sequence based detection methods?


Fan-Li Chou, USDA(美國農業部)

What would be the impetus for testing? Is the testing due to safety concerns? For compliance?



Fan-Li:The ECJ ruling is not a positive step for agriculture, that is for sure. However, the European Commission has yet to determine how to implement the ruling. Hopefully the EC will consider science as they move forward. Also, testing is an inefficient and costly way to ensure legal compliance when there is no health or other safety concern that justify the testing.


Ravi Kumar Tomar, Syngenta(先正達)

By checking genome sequence I think, Researchers can tell more


Elangovan Mani, Advanta Seeds

Yeah, it’s possible. CRISPR edited plants may have background non-target mutations. But, EMS mutation derived plants will have too many random mutations. With deep genome sequencing, I believe you cannot distinguish CRISPR edited or natural mutation (EMS derived). So, if any variety is protected by IPR, they need to elaborate the breeding methods.

是的,這是可能的。通過基因編輯(CRISPR )的植物可能具有非靶標的突變。但是通過 EMS誘變(傳統育種方法的一種)獲得的植物會有更多的隨機突變。通過深度的基因組測序,我相信你無法區分是基因編輯還是天然突變(EMS誘導突變)。因此任何受到知識產權保護的品種,品種所有人(公司)需要詳細說明育種的方法。

