每日積累「背三句」-talk about a city

每日積累“背三句”-talk about a city

每日積累“背三句”- talk about a city

London is well-known around the world for its amazing history, architecture, music and fashion.


well-known=famous 有名的

around the world 在全世界

be well-known/famous for ... 因...出名

amazing 很棒的

architecture 建築

It’s a melting pot of hundreds of different communities, cultures and languages.


melting pot 大熔爐

hundreds of ... 幾百個(表示很多)

community 社區

If you don’t like crowds, you’d better stay away from the city centre – but I guess that's true of any city.


crowd 人群

you'd better ... 你最好...

stay away from ... 遠離...

that's true of any city 任何一個城市都是一樣的

