
I worked as a bartender/waitress at a bar inside an upscale health-food grocery store (it's a real thing, I promise). Most of our clientele was well-off retirees and 30-something recently divorced men hoping to get a date with someone coming in after a yoga class. Generally a nice group of customers, but definitely rich, uptight people. Forgetting to bring salt to some might be a huge offense, but automatically bringing it causes others to give you a lecture about sodium intake. It was a difficult balancing act.


"It was St. Patrick's Day. There was also a March Madness game with the local university team playing and we were short-staffed. Needless to say, it was an insane evening with me rushing around serving corned beef and cabbage, pouring Guinness, and making sure no one was becoming belligerent.


"For some reason, the bar supervisor always liked to have food specials on display for people to see. While I get the concept, it generally just caused us to get mean looks when we told people they probably shouldn't eat it, as it wasn't a sample and had been sitting out for hours. Since it was St. Patrick's Day, we had a giant display of the corned beef and cabbage dinner special, complete with gravy, potatoes, and Irish beer bread.



"I was horrified and apologizing profusely while trying to set down the mountain of dishes. The man looked up at me and said, 'I just have one thing to tell you.' He slowly leaned in -- at which point I was thinking he was about to spit in my face -- and he said, 'I don't have to fart anymore, you scared it out of me.'


"It was the laugh I needed that night, and he wouldn't even let me give him a free beer as an apology." -- Belinda Farragut

“于是我开怀大笑了起来,而这正是我当晚需要的,他甚至不要我给他免费的啤酒作为道歉。”------Belinda Farragut

And now we come to the most alarming delusion of all.


The idea that other people don't matter. Their feelings. Their needs.


Imagine a cave where those inside never see the ourside world.


Instead, they see shadows of their world projected on a wall.


The world they see in the shadows is not the real world. But it's real to them.


If you were to show them the world as it actually is, they would reject it as incompreshensible .


Now what if, instead of being in a cave, you were out in the world, except you couldn't see it.


Because you weren't looking. You were only looking at what the media has shown you.


You trusted that the world you saw through the prison was the real world.


But there's a difference.


You see. Unlike the allegory of the cave where the people are real and the shadows are false, here other people are the shadows.


This is the delusion of the narcissists who believe that they alone are real, that their feelings are the only feelings that matter because other people are just shadows.


And shadows don't feel, because they are not real.


But what if everyone lived in caves. Than no one would be real, not even you, unless you woke up one day and left the cave.


And then, how strange would the world look after a lifetime of staring at shadows.



