
That was sort of mind-blowing for me because I had never thought about it before. But of course, if I had paid attention to history I would know that the history of China and Japan have been intermingled for centuries. Once I had found that out I found that I could increase my Japanese vocabulary a little bit,step by step. Of course, I am also learning English which is at the forefront of my studies. So I cannot allocate too much time to learning Japanese.

Nevertheless, I will still continue to be fascinated by Japanese culture, some of it is so weird I can’t understand where they are coming from, which is why I want to learn the language to try to get inside their heads. Walking around the streets of Tokyo and Osaka was amazing and I felt right at home there, so maybe I have someaffinity with the country. I came back from Japan with a suitcase full of comics and videos so when I have some time on my hands I can settle down and try to make sense of them. Who knows, maybe one day, I will become good enough to go to university there. Of course, I’ll probably have to convince my mum that it’s a great idea and that will be my hardest test.

2 minutes and 6 seconds.


Pipe dream: Idiom. A dream or idea that is impossible to accomplish. Many say that achieving world peace is a pipe dream because human beings are so flawed in their logic and emotions.

Mind-blowing: Adjective. overwhelming; astounding: a mind-blowing experience.

Intermingled: Adjective. To mix or become mixed together.

Step by step: Idiom. Slowly, carefully, and deliberately; without being careless or in a rush. It is entirely possible for this project to succeed; we just need to proceed step by step.

Coming from: Phrasal verb. where someone is coming from. INFORMAL the ideas, intentions, or feelings that make someone say a particular thing or behave in a particular way.

Inside their heads: get into (one's) head. To begin to understand how one thinks.You need to get into the criminal's way in order to find a way to stop him.

At home: Idiom. Very comfortable or proficient in a particular area. My mother is at home in the kitchen and can make just about any dish.

Affinity (for something): Idiom. a strong preference for something; a strong liking for something. Mary's affinity for classical music accounts for her large collection of recordings.

Time on my hands: Idiom. A period of time that is not already designated for some activity or use; free time. I have some time on my hands this weekend, so I can finally take a look at your car.

Settle down: Phrasal verb. to make yourself comfortable in a place, especially in order to do something that will take a lot of time or effort. I settled down in front of the television for the evening.

Make sense: Idiom. to be understandable. John doesn't make sense. What John says makes sense to me.







