情態動詞精講:have to和must區別用法【非常詳細】

(1)have to和must都表示必須,但二者有些區別。

have to側重於客觀需要,表示由於客觀環境的原因而不得不做某事;must則側重說話人的主觀意志,表示主觀上說話者認為有必要做某事。試比較:

情態動詞精講:have to和must區別用法【非常詳細】

(2)have to可用於不同的時態,也可與情態動詞連用,並可用於被動語態。

We had to put off the track meet because of the bad weather. 因天氣不好,我們不得不推遲田徑運動會。[用於過去時,表客觀環境因素]

We will have to come up with the design scheme today. 我們今天得交出該設計方案。[用於將來時]

The work will have to be completed before the 10th. 這項工作得在10號前完成。[用於將來時被動語態]

He has been having to stay up late to finish his book for the last few weeks. 近幾周來,他必須一直熬夜以完成他的書。[用於現在完成進行時]

My husband is always having to go on a business trip. 我先生總是要經常出差。[用於現在進行時]

It's getting late; we will have to be going. 時間已不早,我們得走了。[用於將來進行時]


All pedestrians must cross this road by the footbridge. 所有行人必須由天橋穿越這條馬路。[表現在時](“天橋”還可用pedestrian bridge或overhead walkway來表示)

Must we finish the job before tomorrow noon? 我們一定得在明天中午前完成這個工作嗎?[表將來時]

I'm afraid we must be going, or we'll not be able to catch the last bus. 我看我們得走了,否則我們將趕不上末班車了。[表現在進行時]

(3)must作情態動詞可表示主觀推測,而have to則無此用法。must表示主觀推測時可用於各種時態。

A. 現在時。

There must be something wrong with the car. I can't start it. 這輛車準是出了毛病,它發動不起來。

B. 現在進行時。

Don't take it seriously. He must be joking. 別當真,他準是在開玩笑。

C. 過去時。

Mrs. Crook realized that it must be the man from the Electricity Board who had come to read the meter. 柯魯克夫人意識到來者準是電力公司的人,他來抄電錶的。[用在賓語從句中]

Yesterday morning I told my parents that I must call on an old friend of mine at once. 昨天早晨我告訴我父母說我得立刻去拜訪我的一位老朋友。[用於間接引語中表過去式時,must比had to更符合習慣用法]

D. 表示對過去情況的肯定推測用must have+過去分詞,但不能用have to+過去分詞。

You must have read a lot of Maugham's novels, or you couldn't have talked so much about that famous British writer at yesterday's seminar. 你肯定以前讀過毛姆的很多小說;不然,你不可能在昨天的研討會上談那麼多關於那位著名英國作家的情況。

He left about two o'clock. It's five now. He must have got home.


E. 表過去完成進行時,用must have been+現在分詞,表持續性動作,但不能用have to。

It must have been snowing all night. All the trees in the garden are covered with snow. 雪肯定下了整整一夜,花園裡所有的樹木都蓋滿了雪。

F. must表“必須”時,否定式不是must not,而是do not have to或needn't。

—Must I work overtime(加班)tonight?

情態動詞精講:have to和must區別用法【非常詳細】

must not作“不許,不準,禁止”解,相當於be not to。如:

情態動詞精講:have to和must區別用法【非常詳細】

G. must表示的推測含有極有把握的意思,通常只用於肯定式中,其否定和疑問式多用can/could來表示。

He must be at home. He can't be in the office.[can't be是must現在時的否定式]

H. must have+過去分詞表示對過去行為、動作或狀態的推測,它相應的否定式是can not have/could not have+過去分詞。

He was at home all day yesterday,so he can't/couldn't have got involved in the bank robbery yesterday afternoon. 他昨天一整天都待在家裡,因而不可能參與昨天下午發生的那樁銀行搶劫案。

I. must needs和needs must。

①must needs和needs must表示“必須,不得不”解,其中needs(副詞)=of necessity或necessarily。

I must needs/needs must do the experiment carefully. 我必須仔細地做這個實驗。

②must needs還可作“偏偏”解,但needs must則不能表示這一意思。

My wife must needs talk to me when I don't care to talk. 我太太偏偏在我不想談話的時候和我談話。

J. must的兩個常用表達法

①What must be... 表註定要發生的意思

What must be will be. 註定要發生的事總要發生。

②If you must+與主句句意相同的動詞(通常省略),表無奈的意思。

A: Can I smoke here?

B: If you must. 如果你一定要抽的話(那就抽吧)。[表無奈]

A: Who is it that you care for? 你愛的到底是誰?

B: If you must know, I love Jimmy deeply. 如果你一定要知道(那我只好照實告訴你),我深愛著傑米。

K. must在現代英語中還可作名詞,作“必不可少的東西”解。

His new kungfu novel is a must for all lovers of Chinese martial arts. 他新出版的武俠小說是所有中國武術愛好者的必讀書。

