
經濟學人精讀:《都很好》熱播,原生家庭與孝道 | 外刊雙語


3.21期經濟學人上有一篇文章就對此進行了報道,文章的標題是A hit TV series in China skewers cranky old parents,就介紹了中國這部熱門電視連續劇《都挺好》。

Conflicted Confucians

A hitTV series in China skewers cranky old parents

Defying the cult of filial piety thrills viewers

1. Conflicted是矛盾的,心理究竟的,這裡加上 Confucians。我們尊崇儒家文化,而孝是儒家文化的核心,俗話說“百善孝為先”。但是當父母若如蘇大強這麼折騰,估計兒女自然會生矛盾的心理,這樣的父母究竟該不該盡孝呢?有時候原生家庭對一個人的傷害確實很大,有的孩子長大之後就會離家遠遠的,但再遠,有時候還是逃不過盡孝的心理,所以不少人就成了Conflicted Confucians。

2.hit這個詞這個公眾號上講過很多次啦,這裡再重複一遍,hit形容火熱,火爆,熱門,比如HitChinese Comedy就是熱門的中國喜劇電影,熱門歌曲我們也可以說成是hit song,有外網在報道時就這樣說:Top 40 Hit Songs:排名前40的熱門歌曲。這篇裡面的A hit TV series in China就是指中國一部熱門(熱播)電視劇。

Hit可以直接作名詞,表示熱門的……1月19日FMT上報道的這篇文章From ‘gangster’ toviral hit: Peppa Pig woos rural China,小豬佩奇在中國農村走紅。viral hit指成功而轟動(或風行)一時的事物,如唱片、戲劇、電影等。

Hit還可以作動詞,外刊經常這樣說hit/peak a historical high,我們在寫作中可以借鑑使用這個表達。比如:



Hit還可以表示地震、颱風等發生在某地,比如“颱風瑪莉亞席捲中國東南部福建省”我們就可以說Typhoon MariahitFujian province in mainland’s southeast.

3.Skewer 美 [ˈskjuɚ] :刺痛、諷刺的意思。cranky美 [ˈkræŋki] 古怪的,脾氣壞的。劇中的父親蘇大強堪稱cranky old parent的典範。這部劇可謂直擊中國原生家庭的痛點。

4.Defy:這個單詞有很多也是,可以表示反抗,This was the first (and last) time that I dared to defy my mother. 這是我第一次(也是最後一次)膽敢反抗我的母親。還可以表示難以描述或解釋,比如When the flowers open in spring they fill the night air with a fragrance thatdefies description.春天鮮花開放時,夜裡的空氣中會瀰漫一種難以名狀的香氣。這個時候就等同於beyond。

最後還可以表示看著比實際年輕,比如The singer continues to defy her age by wearing the scantiest of outfits.那名女歌手依舊穿著非常暴露的服裝,完全不似她這把歲數。這個時候就等同於She looks young for her years.

5.Cult:可以表示(對生活方式、看法、觀念等的)狂熱,時尚,崇拜。the cult of physical fitness健身熱;An extraordinary personality cult had been created around the leader.在這位領導人的周圍興起了一場異乎尋常的個人崇拜。還可以表示傳統習俗,比如the Chinese cult ofancestor worship中國人供奉祖先的習俗。

the cult of filial piety可以表示對孝道的尊崇,也可以表示孝道文化,也就是孝道。所以Defying the cult of filial piety就是挑戰孝道,讓觀眾興奮不已!Viewer就是觀看電視的“觀眾”。

第一段:It is nomean feat to be one of the top-ten trending hashtags on Weibo, China’s equivalent of Twitter, for 20 consecutive daysand counting. “All is Well”, a show on provincial television which premiered on March 1st, has done just that. The show tells the story of a fictional Chinese family torn by internal conflict. The female protagonist, Su Mingyu, is barelyon speaking terms withher widowed father and one of her two brothers. The father is a nagging crank who expects his two adult sons to bankroll his lavish tastes. This leads to constant bickering between the brothers, neither of whom wants to be called unfilial.


第一句:It is nomean featto be one of thetop-ten trending hashtagson Weibo,China’s equivalent ofTwitter, for 20 consecutive daysand counting.


1.句子結構分析:句子主幹是It is nomean feat to be one of the top-ten trending hashtags on Weibofor 20 consecutive days and counting。

It作形式主語,真正的主語是to be one of the top-ten trending hashtags on Weibofor 20 consecutive days and counting。主語部分太長,避免頭重腳輕,所以借用形式主語it。

China’s equivalent of Twitter是Weibo的同位語,對Weibo作進一步的解釋說明。因為外國讀者很可能只知道Twitter而不知道中國的Weibo是做什麼的。在翻譯時我們把它放在括號裡作補充說明。

be nomean feat:固定表達,絕非易事,非常了不起。Mean feat是小事,加上no就是絕非易事。

舉個例子,Dragging the fully laden boat across the sand dunes was no mean feat. 將滿載貨物的船拖過沙丘絕非易事。


Reversing the Ellen Macarthur Foundation prediction that the ocean will contain more plastics than fish by 2050is no mean feat.艾倫·麥克阿瑟基金會預測,到2050年海洋中的塑料垃圾數量將超過魚類,想要扭轉這一結果絕非易事。

no mean feat也可以說not an easy task。這裡的it is no mean feat等同於it is not easy to do sth,如It is not easy to persuade him to believe the truth.說服他相信事實並不容易。所以以後寫作和翻譯中可以換著使用了,這樣才能用詞靈活多變。

2.the top-ten:前十;以此類推,前三就是the top-three;

3.trending:趨勢,熱門。是trend的形容詞,表示熱門的,熱搜的。一些相關表達:trending news熱點新聞;

hashtag[ˈhæʃˌtæɡ] n. 標籤,話題,微博上我們都是用##引出話題。話題也可以說topic,比如The film, set for release in December, was one of Twitter’s trending topics Thursday. 這部影片確定於今年12月份上映,成為週四Twitter上的一大熱門話題。

the top-ten trending hashtags on Weibo:當作固定表達來記,微博十大熱門話題。

4.equivalent美[ɪˈkwɪvələnt]:作名詞,意思是“等同物,對應物”。常見搭配是be the equivalent of。

舉個例子,Even the cheapest car costs the equivalent of 70 years’ salaryfor a government worker. 即使是最便宜的汽車,價格也相當於一個公務員70年的薪水。Breathing such polluted air is the equivalent of (= has the same effect as) smoking ten cigarettes a day. 呼吸汙染這麼嚴重的空氣等於每天抽十支菸。

它作形容詞則表示“相當的,對等的”。常用短語搭配是be equivalent to。Eight kilometres is roughly equivalent to five miles. 八公里約等於五英里。

這句話中的China’s equivalent of Twitter,字面意思就是Twitter在中國的等同物,用中文來說就是“相當於中國的Twitter”。

5.consecutive [kən'sekjʊtɪv]:adj. 連貫的;連續的,不間斷的。金融時報上有一篇文章講英國的碳排放量連續六年下降,文章開頭是這麼說的:Carbon dioxide emissions in the UK fell forthe sixth consecutive yearin 2018, driven by falling coal usage in power generation, according to a new report.一份最新報告顯示,受用煤發電量下降的推動,英國的二氧化碳排放量到2018年已經連續六年下降。

For 20 consecutive days就是連續20天的意思。也可以說for 20 days in a row,也可以用running,如He said drought had led to severe crop failure for the second yearrunning.他說乾旱已經連續兩年導致農作物嚴重歉收。

6.and counting:表示“還在增長中,還在持續”,經常放在數字後面。for 20 consecutive days and counting,放在這個語境下就是說連續20天佔據微博十大熱門話題榜,並且勢頭不減,可能還會繼續榮登熱搜榜。


Pound still sliding; down 0.9% and counting。英鎊已經下跌0.9個百分點,並且持續下跌。

這一用法我們在今後的寫作中可以用到。在表示一個東西持續上漲或下跌的態勢時我們就可以用and counting來表示。

比如說這句話,“中國南方生長著一棵已有1,700年曆史的茶樹,高100多英尺,而且還在不斷長高”,There is a 1,700-year-old tea tree still living in southern China which ismore than 100 feet tall and counting.

“而且還在不斷長高”就用了一個很簡單的and counting就把它的含義表達出來了。如果讓我們自己寫,大概很多人都會寫成and will continue to grow/is growing taller and taller。所以and counting可以放在數字more than 100 feet tall 後面表示持續長高。

第二句:“All is Well”, a showon provincial televisionwhichpremiered onMarch 1st, hasdone just that.


1.句子結構分析:句子主幹是“All is Well”has done just that。a show on provincial television是“All is Well”的同位語,解釋說明“All is Well”是什麼。同位語中還包含一個定語從句which premiered on March 1st,修飾show。

2.“All is Well”,就是最近火遍網絡的《都挺好》這部電視劇。大家如果感興趣的話,沒事可以追一追。

3.provincial television:省級電視臺,也就是我們平時看到的各大衛視。因為我們知道哪個衛視首播的,所以翻譯的時候我們可以具體化處理,告訴讀者在哪個衛視首播。

4.premiere ['premɪeə]:注意讀音和premier英 [ˈpremiə(r)] 美 [prɪˈmɪr] 不同,書寫也不同。

這個詞也在這個公眾號上講過很多次啦,這裡再重複一遍,作名詞,表示首映,首演,初次公演;The film opened with a star-studded premiere last night. 該影片昨晚舉辦了明星雲集的首映式。As film fans await the premiere of Avengers: Infinity War影迷們翹首以待《復仇者聯盟:無限戰爭》(Avengers: Infinity War)上映。

作動詞,可以是及物動詞,表示(使)首映,初次公演。The opera is due to be premiered by ENO next year. 這部歌劇將於明年在英國國家歌劇院首演。premiered on+日期,意思就是哪天首映/首播。

也可以是不及物動詞,比如今天的premiered on March 1st,就是不及物動詞,翻譯的時候注意搭配,電視劇的話是“首播”,電影的話是“首映”,歌劇的話是“首演”。

5.has done just that:that指代前面句子裡提到“to be one of the top-ten trending hashtags on Weibofor 20 consecutive days and counting連續20天成為微博熱門話題還能勢頭不減”。但是在翻譯的時候不需要把that的具體內涵譯出來,避免囉嗦和重複,直接翻譯為“就做到了”就可以了。

6.has done just that說明上下句之間是有聯繫的。翻譯的時候“而”字的增譯就體現了上下句之間的這層邏輯關係,使句子銜接起來更為連貫。

第三句:Theshowtells the story of afictionalChinese familytorn byinternal conflict.


1.Show可以表示電視劇,也可以說TV series或drama。

2.tell the story of,講述了一個怎樣的故事。

3.fictional['fɪkʃənl]:adj. 虛構的;小說的。It is a drama featuring fictional characters. 這部戲劇中的人物是虛構的。

4.tear 美[ter ]:tear作名詞表示眼淚。He was in floods of tears on the phone. 他在電話裡失聲痛哭。我們說她的眼裡滿含淚水,Her eyes filled with tears。

tear作動詞,過去式是tore,過去分詞是torn。它可以表示撕開,撕裂,扯壞。She very nearly tore my overcoat. 她差點把我的大衣扯破了。

它也可以指失控或危險地奔,衝,闖。The door flew open and Miranda tore into the room. 門猛地開了,米蘭達闖進房間。


還可以表示一個人心理很矛盾,糾結,左右為難,比如Robb is torn between becoming a doctor and a career in athletics. 羅布在做醫生還是當運動員之間痛苦抉擇,左右為難。其實就和文章標題裡面提到的conflicted差不多意思,所以這句話也可以說Robb feels conflicted between becoming a doctor and a career in athletics.

Torn還可以表示還可以表示使飽經創傷,使經受磨難。the riot-torn areas就是騷亂頻發的地區,war-torn area 受戰爭嚴重破壞的地區,飽受戰爭蹂躪的地;還比如“中國人民經歷了戰亂頻仍、山河破碎、民不聊生的深重苦難。Its people were ravaged by wars, saw their homeland torn, and lived in poverty and despair.”

這裡的torn by internal conflict是過去分詞作後置定語,修飾family。前面已經講了,torn可以表示撕裂,也可以表示飽受,所以這裡的torn既可以表示家庭內部矛盾導致家人關係不和,一個家庭被撕裂了,也可以表示這個家庭矛盾叢生,飽受矛盾之苦。

5.internal美[ɪnˈtɜ:rnl]:作形容詞,表示國內的,內部的,內政的。internal wall 內牆;internal security 國內安保;internal affairs 內政;internal borders 內部邊界。反義詞external。internal conflict指內部矛盾,這裡特指“家庭內部矛盾”,翻譯的時候一定要說清楚。

第四句:The female protagonist, Su Mingyu, isbarelyon speaking terms withherwidowedfather andone of her two brothers.


1.句子結構分析:句子主幹是The female protagonistis barely on speaking terms with her widowed father and one of her two brothers,Su Mingyu是The female protagonist的同位語,姓名直接順著譯,即女主角蘇明玉。

2.protagonist[prə'tæg(ə)nɪst]:指主人公;主角;(真實事件的)主要人物。the female protagonist就是指電視劇中的女主角,女主人公。

3.barely['beəlɪ]:adv. 僅僅,勉強;幾乎不。等同於hardly。barely do sth,幾乎不做某事。我們說某人的聲音太小了,幾乎聽不見。His voice was barely audible. 他的聲音幾乎聽不見。

4.be on speaking terms with sb:我們知道ongoodtermswith表示與……保持良好關係,比如MadeleineisongoodtermswithSarah. 馬德琳和薩拉相處很好。

be on speaking terms with sb字面意思是和誰保持說話的關係,所以我們可以翻譯為和……愛說話,反義的話就是“和……不怎麼說話”,比如For a long time her mother and her grandmother had hardly been on speaking terms. 很久以來,她的母親和外婆兩人之間幾乎不怎麼說話。hardly/barely on speaking terms,表達同一個意思,都是指不怎麼說話,不怎麼交流。


5.widowed指寡居的;鰥居的。She was widowed in 1967. 1967年她成了寡婦。sb. be widowed指的是某人喪偶。widowed father寡居的父親。劇中女主媽媽去世了,她爸沒人管了,就開始造作了。

6.and one of her two brothers:直接翻譯“她二哥”。不用直譯為“她的其中一個哥哥”,我們既然是中國人,看了電視,那介紹電視劇肯定要給別人講清楚。

第五句:The father is anagging crankwho expects his two adult sons tobankrollhislavish tastes.


1.句子結構分析:who expects his two adult sons to bankroll his lavish tastes是the father的定語從句。

2.nagging ['nægɪŋ]:詞根是nag,可以是名詞,表示愛挑三揀四的人,如Aunt Molly is a nag about regular meals.莫莉姨媽是一日三餐都挑三揀四的人。還可以表示困擾某人,如A feeling of unease nagged at her. 一種不安的感覺一直困擾著她。Doubts nagged me all evening.我一晚上都沒有擺脫心中的疑慮。還可以表示動詞嘮叨,比如Stop nagging─I'll do it as soon as I can.別嘮叨了——我會盡快做的。She had been nagging him to paint the fence.她一直嘮叨,要他把圍欄油漆一下。


3.crank [kræŋk]:名詞,可以表示曲柄,曲軸;也可以指想法或行為古怪的人。我們說誰誰誰看上去很怪,就可以說他是個crank。He lookedlike a crank. 他看上去像個怪人。

crank還可以表示用曲柄轉動或啟動汽車。The chauffeur got out to crank the motor. 司機下車用曲柄去發動汽車。

這句話中a nagging crank是對蘇明玉的父親,也就是蘇大強的描述,翻譯時最好不要直接說“他的父親是一個愛嘮叨的怪人”,“是”字結構我們不常用,句子不夠有力度。nagging和crank都是對the father這個人的評價,可以分開說這個人怎麼怎麼樣,翻譯為“他的父親愛嘮叨,脾氣古怪”。

4.bankroll ['bæŋkrəʊl]:vt. 提供資金;提供財務上的資助;n. 資金。經濟學人上說到一些公司為政府提供資金支持時是這麼說的:Many oil-rich states rely on them to bankroll their budgets, rather than bothering to collect any tax.許多石油儲量豐富的國家不是通過徵稅,而是直接依賴這些公司為政府預算提供資金。

lavish 美[ˈlævɪʃ],指鋪張的,奢侈的,無節制的。我們說某人花錢總是大手大腳,He was always a lavish spender.

taste可以指品味,格調,一般是不可數名詞,如果是可數名詞,一般是體驗,類似於experience,比如今天這句裡面是lavish tastes,說明是一些lavish experiences,蘇大強想出國,想請老同事聚餐等等,極其好面子。所以bankroll his lavish tastes就是“給他錢,讓他享受奢侈的生活”。注意,千萬不要直譯為“資助他奢侈的生活”,漢語不這樣說哈。

第六句:This leads to constantbickeringbetween the brothers,neither of whomwants to be calledunfilial.


1.constant ['kɒnst(ə)nt]:表示不斷的,持續的。The dynamic of the market demands constant change and adjustment. 市場要有活力,需要不斷地改變和調整。

2.bickering美['bɪkərɪŋ]:表示口角,爭吵。常見搭配是bicker with sb about/over sth,如The two children were always bickering with each other over small matters. 這兩個孩子總是為些小事鬥嘴。constant bickering即不斷爭吵。

3.unfilial[ʌn'fɪlɪəl]:不孝的。un-否定前綴,filial 就是孝順的。古人常說的“不孝有三,無後為大”,就可以說There are three ways of being an unfilial son, among which the most serious is to have no heir.

4.neither of,兩者都不……;both of 兩者都。whom指的是the brothers,即neither of the brothers wants to be called unfilial.

第二段:Episodes of “All is Well” have been streamed more than 390m times. That exceeds the online viewership of the next most popular television series by 278m. From “The Simpsons” to “Game of Thrones”, dramas about bickering families are common in many countries. But in China, peopleprefers entertainment to be unchallenging. So the questioning of blind attachment to traditional values in “All is Well” is causing a stir. Viewers are transfixed by its rare portrayal of middle-class life,warts and all.


第一句:Episodesof “All is Well” have beenstreamedmore than390m times.Thatexceedsthe online viewership of the next most popular television series by278m.


1.episode ['epɪsəʊd],指廣播劇或電視劇的一集。The final episode will be shown next Sunday.下週日將播出最後一集。在這裡,Episodes of “All is Well”指的是《都挺好》的所有集數。

2.stream在這裡指播放。Apple also streamed Wednesday's memorial to employees in its retail stores. 週三蘋果也向其零售店的員工直播了追思會。


streamed more than 390m times就是播放量已經超過3.9億次。

3.That exceeds the online viewership of the next most popular television series by 278m:這句裡面的that指《都挺好》的播放量。exceed sth by+數字,表示……超過……多少。M是million的簡寫,一般直接緊跟數字,不加空格,如果是million,需要加空格,所以278m也可以是278million。

這句直譯就是《都挺好》的播放量已經超過3.9億次,超過了第二熱門電視劇的網上播放量(在線收視率)2.78億次。這樣翻譯太囉嗦了,直接說“第二名”就可以了,就足以說明是the next most popular television series。所以這句直接翻譯為“在線收視率超出第二名2.78億次”。

4.onlineviewership,專有名詞,在線收視率。exceed表示“超過”。He accepts he was exceeding the speed limit. 他承認自己超速了。

5.the next most popular television series:the next most字面意思是緊跟著最怎麼怎麼樣的,在這裡其實就是第二的意思。金融時報上說到英法是繼美國以外最什麼的地方時,就用到了the next most這樣的表達。The UK and France are the next most common locations, with seven schools each. 英國和法國是美國之外最常見的授課地,他們在這兩個國家都有7所院校。

第二句:From “The Simpsons” to“Game of Thrones”, dramas aboutbickering familiesare common in many countries.


1.背景知識:《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)是美國福克斯廣播公司出品的一部動畫情景喜劇,由馬特·格勒寧創作。該劇通過展現霍默、瑪姬、巴特、麗莎和麥琪一家五口的生活,諷刺性地勾勒出了居住在美國心臟地帶人們的生活方式。

《權力的遊戲》(Game of Thrones)改編自美國作家喬治·R·R·馬丁的奇幻小說《冰與火之歌》系列,是美國HBO電視網製作推出的一部中世紀史詩奇幻題材的電視劇。2018年9月17日,獲得第70屆美國電視艾美獎劇情類最佳劇集。

2.from to:這個的翻譯思維我在高齋CATTI和MTI翻譯全年班課程裡面經常講,我們也見過很多次了,它最簡單的譯法就是處理為“……等”。即“《辛普森一家》和《權力的遊戲》等關於家庭矛盾的電視劇”。

3.dramas about bickering families,字面來說就是關於充滿爭吵的家庭的電視劇。但是這樣說太拗口了,而且很囉嗦。把bickering families處理為一個四字短語“家庭矛盾”要好很多,一家人有了矛盾,就會爭吵不斷,所以bickerring families就是“家庭矛盾”的意思。

第三句:But in China, peopleprefers entertainmentto be unchallenging.


1.prefer [prɪ'fɜː]:更喜歡。prefer to do更喜歡做某事。如:I prefer to think of peace not war. 我更喜歡思考和平而不是戰爭;prefer A to B,比起B更喜歡A,例如:I prefer a feature film to an action film. 比起動作片我更喜歡故事片。

但是注意今天這裡的prefer不是這個用法,而是prefer sth to do sth的用法,如Iwouldpreferhimtobewithusnextseason我更希望他下一個賽季和我們在一起。所以prefers entertainment to be unchallengin就是更喜歡娛樂節目不要挑戰傳統價值觀,但是這樣直譯不通順,翻譯為但在中國,人們更喜歡不挑戰傳統價值觀的節目。


第四句:So the questioning of blind attachment totraditional values in “All is Well” iscausing a stir.


1.句子結構分析:句子主幹是the questioning is causing a stir。

2.question ['kwestʃ(ə)n],表示懷疑,對……提出質疑。It never occurs to them to question the doctor's decisions. 他們從未想過要懷疑醫生的決定。the questioning of,對……的質疑。如果表示不好的,of表示對……,而不是“的”。所以這裡不是誰的質疑,而是對……質疑。

1.attachment tosth,依戀,依附。blind attachment to,盲目聽從/跟從/信仰/依戀/擁護。也就是blind obediencetosth或blind/unswerving loyaltytosb,這裡可以翻譯為盲目尊崇傳統價值觀。

2.cause a stir 固定表達,引起轟動。還可以表示引起騷動,如They wanted to avoid anything that would cause a stir. 他們希望避免發生任何會引起騷亂的事。

在表示引起轟動的時候,公眾號高齋外刊雙語精讀之前發過一篇講小鮮肉的文章,其中用了Itcauses a kerfuffle表示引起轟動。

3.這裡的so如何理解?前一句說中國人喜歡不具挑戰傳統價值觀的節目,而《都挺好》卻挑戰了,所以才引起了轟動。注意,so說的是the questioning is causing a stir,而不是the questioning。

第五句:Viewers aretransfixedby itsrare portrayalof middle-classlife,warts and all.


1.transfix [trænsˈfɪks],使呆住,使動彈不得。For hours he stood transfixed.一連幾個小時他呆若木雞地站著。這句話中我們不能直接把它理解為“呆住”。觀眾看電視看呆住,言下之意就是被深深吸引。



4.wart[wɔːt],指缺點,不足。warts and all經常一起使用,這個詞通常指的是人的缺點。比如說你愛一個人的全部,就可以說“Ilovehimwartsandall我愛他的全部”。He gives us a portrait of the real Gandhi, warts and all。他向我們描繪了真正的甘地,包括他的不足。


warts and all還可以表示毫不掩蓋地。所以這句也可以翻譯為它罕見地描繪了中產階級的生活,毫不掩蓋地揭示了中產人群的方方面面,深深吸引著觀眾。

5.Viewers are transfixed:我在高齋CATTI和MTI翻譯課程講過,被動可以翻譯為主動,所以這裡既然先翻譯了次要內容,再翻譯主句,那我們翻譯為主動更好,翻譯為“深深吸引著觀眾”。


第三段:Many Chinese can relate to the Su family’s troubles. The daughter holds a grudge against her father (the two are pictured), and especially against her late mother, for having mistreated her while pampering her brothers. As a child she was made to wash her brothers’ clothes. Her parents turned a blind eye when one of her brothers beat her. For many female viewers born before 1979, when China introduced a one-child-per-couple policy (changed to two in 2016), such scenes have brought back painful memories. Some have used social media to share their own tales of sexism within the family.

第四段:But the biggest reaction has been to the drama’s critique of filial piety. Even today, the Confucian principle of unswerving loyalty to one’s parents remains hallowed. Many people say the best measure of adherence to this virtue is whether a son takes good care of his parents in old age. A recent poll by Toutiao, a Chinese news app, found that 54% of elderly people in China get more than half of their expenses covered by their adult children. Partly, no doubt, this is due to a patchy pensions system. But it also reflects a culture of “never saying no to your parents”, says an “All is Well” fan in Beijing.

第五段:In the series, however, the widowed father does not attract much sympathy. He throws tantrums and insists that his eldest son buy him a three-bedroom apartment (the son grudgingly does so). Commentators on social media have taken to calling the father ajuying(“giant baby”)—a characteristic common among parents in real life, they say. The Su children do their duty, but the audience is supposed to applaud the resentment they express.

第六段:There have been mixed reviews in state media. One newspaper said that the “realistic plot and acting” had touched the “pain points” of many viewers.Beijing Daily, however, said the drama was “unrealistic”. It said it caricatured elderly parents by “unreasonably” ascribing “every possible bad quality” of old people to one character.

