【China Insight】赫芬頓:中國智慧可為當今社會做出巨大貢獻

【China Insight】赫芬頓:中國智慧可為當今社會做出巨大貢獻

【China Insight】赫芬頓:中國智慧可為當今社會做出巨大貢獻

在一個社交媒體流行同時“假新聞”滿天飛的時代,媒體人始終堅持以事實為依據進行報道,與受眾建立信任,這兩點顯得比以往任何時候都更為重要,《赫芬頓郵報》的聯合創始人阿里安娜•赫芬頓在接受China Focus獨家專訪時強調。以下采訪中還將談到當今媒體如何贏回受眾的信任,為什麼中國故事在世界舞臺上扮演著重要角色等問題。

In an era when "fake news" and social media are increasingly prevalent, the role of journalists in "sticking to the facts" and building "trust" has become more important than ever before. That is the view of HuffPost co-founder Arianna Huffington, who spoke exclusively to China Focus on how modern media can win back viewer confidence and why Chinese stories have an important role to play on the world stage.

【China Insight】赫芬頓:中國智慧可為當今社會做出巨大貢獻


As a news-outlet founder, Huffington believes the most important thing is to stick to the facts and build trust because "that's what missing from much of the media today. Once readers and users stop trusting an outlet, it is really hard to communicate", so, she emphasized, "building trust is number one over anything else".


How can we view the role of Chinese culture in the world? When it comes to Chinese culture and stories, Huffington herself said she is a huge fan of China's ancient culture. She believes that culturally, China has a huge contribution to make, because the ancient Chinese wisdom of Taoism is very relevant today.

【China Insight】赫芬頓:中國智慧可為當今社會做出巨大貢獻


Huffington understands that at this moment in history, both in the West and in China, stress and burnout epidemic is a major crisis, which we are all facing. She mentions that we see it in the mental health crises, the rise of depression and in anxiety. We also see it increasing in chronic diseases like diabetes and AIDS.


Huffington ended by reminding us the important Taoist concept—— Yin and Yang. "Yang, you go out, achieve and conquer; Yin, you come back and refuel. It is exactly what the modern world has lost. We've lost the refueling, recharging and the renewing part." She thinks these theories are truly helpful in conquering diseases which bother modern people.

【China Insight】赫芬頓:中國智慧可為當今社會做出巨大貢獻

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