Control Your Putter Face 控制推杆杆面,可以这样做


Putting well is key to shooting lower scores on the golf course, and putting well comes from consistent speed control on the greens. This speed consistency results largely from striking the ball in the center of the putter face.


All too often during putting lessons we see our students struggle with leaving putts short or hitting them long, as a result of hitting the ball off the heel or toe of the putter.

Control Your Putter Face 控制推杆杆面,可以这样做


During Tour events, you may have seen various professionals putting with tees on either side of the putter head. This drill that we’ve given is similar to it which is designed to help you identify how well you hit the center of your putter face and generate better speed control on the greens.


Take a look at the video below illustrating how to setup and execute this drill to improve the consistency of your speed on the greens.

Control Your Putter Face 控制推杆杆面,可以这样做

