
国际热点 | 推特首席执行官宣布将禁止在其平台上投放政治广告

整合 | 厉安恬 黄子洋 傅凡真

>> 推特首席执行官宣布将禁止在其平台上投放政治广告;扎克伯格、特朗普团队对此做出回应

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Twitter CEO announces no more political ads on platform; Zuckerberg, Trump camps respond


@abcNews Oct 30, 2019

国际热点 | 推特首席执行官宣布将禁止在其平台上投放政治广告

Twitter will no longer allow political advertising on their platform, co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey announced on Wednesday.

"We believe political message reach should be earned, not bought," Dorsey tweeted, along with a number of additional tweets explaining the reasons why.

"While internet advertising is incredibly powerful and very effective for commercial advertisers, that power brings significant risks to politics, where it can be used to influence votes to affect the lives of millions," Dorsey wrote. "Internet political ads present entirely new challenges to civic discourse: machine learning-based optimization of messaging and micro-targeting, unchecked misleading information, and deep fakes. All at increasing velocity, sophistication, and overwhelming scale."




Trump campaign manager, Brad Parscale, slammed Twitter's decision, saying in a statement, "Twitter just walked away from hundreds of millions of dollars of potential revenue, a very dumb decision for their stockholders. Will Twitter also be stopping ads from biased liberal media outlets who will now run unchecked as they buy obvious political content meant to attack Republicans? This is yet another attempt to silence conservatives, since Twitter knows President Trump has the most sophisticated online program ever known."


Last week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was grilled on Capitol Hill as he defended the social media giant's controversial policy about not fact-checking most political ads before lawmakers.

In his congressional testimony, Zuckerberg said his company would not engage in any censorship or fact-checking of political ads - and when pressed by several Democratic committee members, the tech-giant founder argued, "We believe in a democracy, it is important that people can see for themselves what politicians are saying."



Slaying of 5 indigenous leaders shocks Colombians



@abcNews Oct 30, 2019

国际热点 | 推特首席执行官宣布将禁止在其平台上投放政治广告

President Ivan Duque will deploy 2,500 troops to a conflict-ridden zone in Colombia's southwest to reinforce security after a band of renegade rebels killed five indigenous leaders.

The five people were killed late Tuesday when their caravan of armored SUVs was ambushed by gunmen the government says belong to a faction of Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia that refused to accept the larger rebel group's peace treaty with the government.



Duque immediately condemned the "assassination" and traveled to the area Wednesday to oversee operations aimed at hunting down the assailants. He said in the next 40 days some 2,500 troops would arrive to the zone.

"The state is here to take decisions," Duque, flanked by his top military advisers, said at the conclusion of a meeting with community leaders.

But his expressions of solidarity barely registered with indigenous leaders, who have repeatedly condemned the government for standing by as a "genocide" takes place in communities caught in the crossfire of Colombia's decades-long conflict between leftist rebels, right-wing paramilitaries and state security forces.


“国家在此做出决定。” 在和当地领导人进行的会议最后,杜克在其最高军事顾问的陪同下做出声明。


Trump administration proposes rule that allows faith-based child welfare groups to exclude LGBTQ families


@ CNN, Nov 2, 2019

国际热点 | 推特首席执行官宣布将禁止在其平台上投放政治广告

The Trump administration has proposed a rule that critics say will allow adoption and foster care agencies to receive federal grants, even if they choose to reject LGBTQ couples as potential parents for religious reasons.

The proposed rule released Friday by the Department of Health and Human Services will remove Obama-era regulations that had banned discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, among other identities, in HHS programs and service -- including adoption and foster care agencies.

The new rule, critics warn, would also permit discrimination against LGBTQ people by other HHS programs receiving federal funding, including programs that help with HIV prevention, youth homelessness, and refugee resettlement.




Family Equality Council, an advocacy group for LGBTQ families, said the rule harms children in foster care.

"Changing federal nondiscrimination rules to allow child-placing agencies to reduce the pool of qualified potential foster and adoptive parents runs counter to the cardinal rule of child welfare: that the best interests of children in care must come first," Denise Brogan-Kator, the group's chief policy officer, said in a statement Friday.



"The President is not preventing LGBT people from adopting. LGBT people can still adopt and that will not change," White House deputy press secretary Judd Deere said in a statement Friday provided to CNN.

In February, Trump told the National Prayer Breakfast that his administration was "working to ensure that faith-based adoption agencies are able to help vulnerable children find their forever families, while following their deeply held belief." And Axios reported in May that the Trump administration was planning on rescinding the Obama-era policy or adding an exemption for religious groups.



Xi and Macron affirm support for climate pact despite Trump withdrawal


@ CNN, Nov 6, 2019

国际热点 | 推特首席执行官宣布将禁止在其平台上投放政治广告

Chinese President Xi Jinping and French President Emmanuel Macron have signed a pact recommitting to the 2015 Paris Agreement, just days after the US formally withdrew from the landmark global treaty to fight climate change.

Speaking at a joint signing ceremony in the Chinese capital Beijing Wednesday, Xi reiterated both sides shared determination to "push forth the Paris Climate Accords in response to climate change."

Though neither leader mentioned the US by name, Macron called out what he described as the "isolated choices" made by some nations.

"I deplore the choices made by some others, but I want to see them as marginal choices, because when China, the European Union, Russia, which ratified the Paris Agreements a few weeks ago, engage with firmness, the isolated choice of one or another (country) is not enough to change the course of the world, it will only lead to them being edged out," said Macron.






The Trump administration announced Monday that it would formally begin withdrawing the US from the Paris climate accord, the first step in a year-long process to leave the agreement.

President Donald Trump announced the move in 2017, part of a number of actions which rolled back Obama-era environmental regulations.

Trump's announcement came one day after more than 11,000 researchers around the world released a report warning that there would be "untold suffering" if climate change wasn't addressed as quickly as possible.

"Posterity will remember (policymakers) badly for dismissing climate change as a serious threat to our civilization," Phoebe Barnard, one of the lead authors of the report, told CNN.

In a joint statement released Wednesday, Xi and Macron pledged to "firmly support" the Paris Agreement, describing it as an "irreversible process," and a "benchmark for strong actions on climate change." The two leaders also agreed to commit to jointly work together on marine waste -- particularly to reduce plastics and plastic particles in the world's oceans.









Russia rolls out its 'sovereign internet.' Is it building a digital Iron Curtain?



@ CNN, Nov 1, 2019

国际热点 | 推特首席执行官宣布将禁止在其平台上投放政治广告

On Friday, a controversial new law took effect in Russia: The so-called "sovereign internet" law, which mandates the creation of an independent internet for Russia.

In effect, Moscow has given itself the power to erect a sort of digital Iron Curtain around its networks. But will it force the change from a freewheeling internet to a purely Russian one?

That's what tech companies and Russian internet users alike will be watching as the law takes effect.



Here's what the measure entails: Earlier this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into law new rules that would enable the creation of a national network that can operate independently from the rest of the world. Among other things, the law allows Roskomnadzor, Russia's telecoms agency, to shut the country off from external traffic exchange, creating a purely Russian web.

The government has said the regulations are part of an effort to protect Russia by creating the ability to sustain a fenced-off national network, in the event that a foreign power interferes with Russian cyberspace. The official newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta said the law coming into force should not affect internet users, but it "will ensure the availability of communication services in Russia in case of threats."



"Now the government can directly censor content or even turn Russia's internet into a closed system without telling the public what they are doing or why," said Rachel Denber, deputy Europe and Central Asia director at the advocacy group Human Rights Watch, in a statement. "This jeopardizes the right of people in Russia to free speech and freedom of information online."


The most recent addition to the legislation — which also comes into force on Friday — takes those tests nationwide. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a law last month outlining "drills" that Russia will host every year in order to test scenarios of various threats to the country's internet in order to sustain its "sovereignty."

According to the document, Russia will hold no fewer than one such exercise a year, with a caveat that this number could increase if snap drills are conducted. Russia's Ministry of Communications will be in charge of planning the drills, which will be coordinated with the FSB, Russia's security service, and the Defense Ministry, among other institutions.

Russia has long had a relatively free internet culture, in comparison with China. But the government has veered in the direction of greater control of internet access in recent years.





Japan want to go cashless, but elderly aren't so keen


@Reuters, Nov 5, 2019

国际热点 | 推特首席执行官宣布将禁止在其平台上投放政治广告

Cash is king in Japan, and more so for the country’s fast-ageing population who are still deeply reluctant to give it up.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s push to make more Japanese - the world’s most dedicated cash-hoarders – switch to using cashless payments is producing some success, but not nearly as much as desired. A growing rank of the nation’s elderly pensioners are resisting change, which could see Japan fall further behind its peers in adopting mobile app payments and electronic money.

Tokyo wants to double the ratio of cashless settlements to 40%

by 2025 and to 80% eventually to spur labour productivity. Japan pales in comparison with other countries – 96% of transactions in South Korea and 66% in China are cashless, data by an industry lobby Payments Japan Association shows.




The transition to digital transactions will help Japan cope with a shrinking population and a tight labour market. Cashless payments will also allow stores to automate sales estimates and banks to cut back on costly automated teller machine networks. Shoppers were recently encouraged to ditch cash for e-money after the government sweetened the deal by introducing a rebate programme to ease the pain of a sales tax hike on Oct. 1. Funded by $2.57 billion earmarked for subsidies, shoppers get a refund in the form of points if they use cashless payments at small shops and convenience stores.



Japanese households hold more than half of their assets in cash and deposits. That proportion rises with the elderly, some of whom stick to cash as a way to prevent wasteful spending.

“Everyone likes cash, don’t they?,” a 65-year-old woman in Tokyo said, while looking at a cashless payment app banner. “I’m not interested in going cashless. I feel uncomfortable with it in case I lose my mobile phone. It’s also unclear how much I’ve spent compared with taking money out of my wallet.”

Many small businesses are also struggling to shift to cashless payments, or see little benefits in doing so.





Mom-and-pop shops rely on daily cash incomes to run their operations, so they cannot depend on receivables too much, said Yukio Kawano, chairman of Japan supermarkets industry lobby.

Less than half of some 2 million small firms deemed eligible for subsidies on cashless payments have been registered with the government campaign, due to the cost of introducing machines and high transaction fees.

A low crime rate, ultra-low interest rates and a nationwide web of ATMs have long made cash appealing in Japan, giving people few incentives to shift to cashless payments.

The trend, however, could change gradually as commercial banks consolidate their ATMs, reducing consumers’ access to cash.



Still, convincing the elderly, who make up nearly one-third of the population, to change their practices won’t be easy.

In a bustling shopping district of Tokyo’s downtown Yanaka Ginza, many small stores have yet to embrace cashless transactions.

Mitsuo Kotake, 70-year-old owner of a small flower shop, said he started offering PayPay three months ago.

But entering pin codes and setting up apps are simply too confusing for his customers, most of whom are seniors coming to buy flowers for the graves of their beloved ones, he added.

“It’s easy to use for young people, but elderly people are not familiar with it,” he said. “I don’t use cashless myself. Cash is quickest.”

尽管如此,要说服占人口近三分之一的老人改变他们的做法并不容易。在东京闹区的柳中银座繁华地区,许多小商店已经开始接受无现金交易。现年70岁的小花店老板Mitsuo Kotake表示,三个月前他开始提供PayPay。但是他补充说,输入密码和设定应用程序对他的客户来说太令人困惑了,他们大多数都是年长者,正在为心爱的人买祭祀用的花。他说:“对于年轻人来说,它很容易使用,但是老年人对此并不熟悉。我自己就不会用无现金支付,现金最方便了。”



Irish people-smuggling gang at centre of Essex lorry container deaths has been under investigation 'for a year'


@Telegraph, Oct 30, 2019

国际热点 | 推特首席执行官宣布将禁止在其平台上投放政治广告

An Irish people-smuggling gang suspected of being at centre of the Essex lorry container deaths has been under investigation for a year, it has been claimed.

A specialist financial crime team in the Republic of Ireland have been looking at whether alleged members of the gang have been smuggling cigarettes and alcohol into the UK.



It emerged as Mo Robinson, the 25-year-old driver of the truck, appeared in court where it was alleged that he is part of a “global ring facilitating the movement of large number of illegal immigrants into the UK” and had been conspiring to traffic people for the last 10 months.

He is charged with 39 counts of manslaughter of persons unknown, conspiracy to traffic people between December 1 2018 and October 24 2019 and conspiracy to assist unlawful immigration between the same dates.

Four suspects, including three women from Nghe An province and one male from Hanoi, were also arrested by Vietnamese authorities investigating smuggling.




It's Cookie Monster's Birthday! Here are the most powerful lessons he's taught us


@ CNN , Nov 2, 2019

国际热点 | 推特首席执行官宣布将禁止在其平台上投放政治广告

Life, liberty and the pursuit of cookies — or maybe just that last part. It's the tenet by which Cookie Monster has lived his puppet life for more than 50 years.

The lovable cookie lover took up residence on "Sesame Street" in 1969, but he celebrates his birthday November 2. His age remains a mystery — is he a child frozen in time or an immortal monster-man? — but his appeal is timeless.

Known for his boundless imagination and unfettered zest for the sugary spherical treats, the resident sugar addict of "Sesame Street" has more to say than "ME WANT COOKIE!"

So, celebrate his special day with a mouthful of cookies (or vegetables as Cookie is into those now!). But while you're at it, stew on some of the valuable lessons the googly eyed monster has imparted.





He gobbles down cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and impressionable audiences can only take that to mean one thing: Cookies are a delectable treat, one we all deserve to enjoy.

Like any "Sesame Street" resident, Cookie had a lot to teach audiences about the way the world works.Cookie never takes himself too seriously.

Even though Sir Ian McKellen tried to teach Cookie the meaning of the word "resist" more than 40 years into the show's run, the lovable monster just couldn't hack it.

For many years, his consumption of cookies went unchecked, and even encouraged, by his fellow residents.





Along came "Star S'mores," a Sesame space opera, which set Cookie as "roguishly handsome" Flan Solo.

Co-stars Only One Cannoli, Darth Baker and Groda (that's Grover wearing Yoda ears) teach Cookie some coping strategies to distract him from his urges to eat his crunchy cookie co-pilot. And by the end of the tale, it works!

Cookie's path to a diverse diet certainly wasn't a straight one. He said it best in his aptly titled "Healthy Foods" rap: "Nutrition — it really hip!"




Flanked by singing pears, broccoli and what can only be assumed to be whole grain bread, Cookie waxes poetic about the virtues of a varied diet rich in fruits, veggies and meat in addition to chocolate chips.

He even hosted a cooking segment, where celebrities joined him to whip up healthy snacks. Cookie and his fuzzy pink co-host Gonger have made fruit sushi with Jenny Slate, Halloween-friendly peanut butter apple slices with Zooey Deschanel and zucchini nachos with Ellie Kemper.

'C' is for cookie. And that's good enough for me.


他甚至还主持了一个烹饪环节,名人和他一起制作健康小吃。Cookie和他的搭档搭档Gonger和Jenny Slate一起做了水果寿司,和Zooey Deschanel一起做了万圣节的花生酱苹果片,和Ellie Kemper一起做了西葫芦烤干酪辣味玉米片。


Ireland to impose "latte levy" by 2021 to cut plastic waste


@ Reuters, Nov 6, 2019

国际热点 | 推特首席执行官宣布将禁止在其平台上投放政治广告

Ireland will impose a so-called latte levy on disposable coffee cups by 2021 in a bid to change consumer habits and cut the environmental impact from the use of single-use plastics, its minister for climate action said on Wednesday.

Ireland has begun to step up action to cut environmental impacts across its economy after exceeding its annual greenhouse gas emissions allocation for the third year running in 2018, pushing it further from its European Union-mandated commitments.

The government hopes the proposed levy of up to 0.25 euros per cup will encourage coffee drinkers to instead carry around reusable “Keep Cups” that already allow customers to claim a discount in some coffee shops.

The charge is among a number of new and increased levies to encourage more sustainable behaviour, including applying an increased 0.25 euro plastic bag levy to the more expensive medium weight plastic bags sold at supermarket tills.



Ireland first introduced a tax on plastic bags in 2002.

“One of the things we clearly have to do is cut down on single-use disposables and the most obvious one of those is disposable cups,” Climate Action Minister Richard Bruton told Irish national broadcaster RTE.

“A lot of this is about getting people to change the habit of a lifetime. This is low hanging fruit in my view in terms of better sustainability.”

Up to 200 million single use coffee cups are thrown away every year

by Ireland’s 4.9 million people, a government-funded report found last year.

Neighbouring Britain resisted calls by campaigners and lawmakers to impose a similar levy on single-use coffee cups last year, opting instead to reduce the use of the cups through voluntary measures.


“我们显然要做一件事就是减少使用一次性的物品,其中最明显的就是一次性杯子。” 气候行动部长理查德•布鲁顿对爱尔兰国家广播公司RTE说,“这些举动很多是为了改变人们的生活习惯。我认为,就更好的可持续性而言,这是一个低成本、高收获的方式。”


Bruton’s department said the rate of the disposable cup levy would likely be 0.10 euros, 0.15 euros or 0.25 euros once it concludes a six-week consultation and market research. A cup of coffee in Ireland can cost about 3 euros.

Compostable cups that are made from biodegradable materials will also be hit by the levy, Bruton said, due to a lack of infrastructure in the retail sector to recycle packaging which has been in contact with food and drink.

The government will develop a second phase of levies from 2022, focused on take-away food containers, and a third phase in a timeframe to be determined to address food packaging in retail outlets including for bakery items, fruit and vegetables.





Apple unveils pricier AirPods Pro with new design and noise cancellation



@ CNN, Oct 28, 2019

国际热点 | 推特首席执行官宣布将禁止在其平台上投放政治广告

On Monday, Apple (AAPL) unveiled a high-end version of its popular AirPods. The new headphones have a new design, new features -- including noise cancellation technology -- and a higher price tag.

The premium version will cost $249. AirPods currently start at $159.



The company was widely expected to host its annual October event and unveil the new AirPods alongside other hardware products such as the iPad and MacBook Pro. Instead, it announced the product in a press release on Monday.

In the release, the company referred to AirPods as "the best-selling headphones in the world" and said the new model will hit stores on Wednesday.

业界大都猜测AirPods会在苹果公司10月的年度发布会上和iPad和MacBook Pro这些硬件产品一起发布。事实上,该公司在周一的新闻稿中就揭晓了该产品。


The AirPods Pro comes with advanced noise cancellation technology, flexible ear tips to better fit in the user's ears and a transparency mode, which lets customers listen to music while still hearing the surrounding environment, Apple said.

Other new features include audio sharing, which allows users to sync up with a second pair of AirPods to listen to the same song or watch the same movie with a friend, as well as the ability for Siri to speak incoming messages.



国际热点 | 推特首席执行官宣布将禁止在其平台上投放政治广告

