单词大爆炸(vocabulary big bang) 之re系单词



★rebound [rband] v./n. 回弹(re 回;向后+ bound 跳跃)

单词大爆炸(vocabulary big bang) 之re系单词

The ball rebounded from the goalpost.球从门柱弹回。

★recall v./n. 回忆(re 回;向后+ call 想起)

She could not recall his name.她想不起他的名字。

★reclaim v. 取回;回收

(re 回;向后 + claim 要求 → 要求拿回)

★reflect v. 回想;反射

(re 回;向后+ flect 弯曲 →〔光线〕向回弯曲)

The windows reflected the bright afternoon sunlight.窗户反射着午后明媚的阳光。

The sun reflected off the snow-covered mountains.冰雪覆盖的山峰反射着阳光。

★regress [rgres] v. 倒退(re 回;向后 + gress 走)

Such countries are not 'developing' at all, but regressing.


★rejuvenate [rdu:vnet] v. 返老还童

(re 回;向后 + juven 年轻 + ate 动词后缀,做,造成,使……→ 回到年轻状态)

This rejuvenated economy will turn its face to the people.



★reaction n. 反动;反应(re + action 行动)

★rebel [rebl] v. 反叛(re + bel 战斗 → 反过来打〔自己人〕)

Most teenagers find something to rebel against.


★remove v. 移开;除去(re + move 移动 → 往反方向移动 )

★renegade [renged] n. 叛徒

(re 相反+ neg 否认 + ade 表示人 → 反过来否认〔自己人〕的人 )

★repeal [rpi:l] v./n. 撤销,取消(re + peal 呼吁 → 不呼吁)

★reprobate [reprbet] n. 堕落者,恶棍

(re + prob 正直 + ate 表示人 → 不正直的人)

He has always been a bit of a reprobate.



★reappear v. 再出现(re + appear 出现)

★rearrange v. 重新安排(re + arrange 安排)

★reassure v. 消除(某人)疑虑(re + assure 放心 → 一再让人放心)

★rebirth n. 再生,新生(re + birth 出生 )

★recommend v. 使受欢迎;推荐(re 一再 + commend 赞扬 → 一再赞扬)

★recompense [rekmpens] v. 赔偿

(re 一再,重新 + compense 补偿 → 一再补偿)

I'll offer an appropriate recompense. 我会给予适当的补偿。

★reexamination n. 复试(re + examination 考试)

★refurbish [ri:f:b] v. 再磨光,刷新(re + furbish 磨光,擦亮)

We have spent money on refurbishing the offices


★regenerate [rdenret] adj. 改过自新的

(re + gener 产生+ ate 使… → 重新产生〔自我〕)

You have the power to regenerate your life. 你有重获新生的能力。

★reprint v. 再版(re 一再,重新 + print 出版 )

★resurgence [rs:dns] n. 复兴

(re + surg 升起 + ence 表示行为 → 重新升起 )

China's economic resurgence中国经济复兴

★restore v. 恢复;还原

How to restore the blurred image in this case?如何在信息不足的情况下恢复模糊图像?

★resume v.重新开始,继续 n.简历


It symptomatizes that they will resume their relations. 这表明他们将恢复关系。

★reveal vt. 显示;透露;揭露;泄露

re(remove)+ veal(veil面纱)→移去面纱,揭示真相

★respect n. 尊敬,尊重;方面;敬意


All students should respect their teachers. 凡是学生就应当尊敬老师。

★reference vi. 引用,参考

re+fer(拿)+ence→ 一再被人拿来引用即参考

The route is best seen by reference to the map. 参照地图能将这条路线看得十分清楚。

★review vt. 回顾;检查;复审


The troops had been formed up in review order. 部队已经排队检阅队形。

★reserve v. 预订(座位等);储备;拥有(某种权利);留出(一部分稍后使用)

re+serve(save 保留)→保留以作他用

I reserve the right to make my own decisions. 我保留自行做出决定的权利。

★regard vt. 注重,考虑;看待;尊敬;把…看作;与…有关


How will futurity regard us? 后人对我们将如何看待?

★revenue n. 税收收入;财政收入;收益


They not only protect health. They bring in considerable revenue. 他们不仅保护健康,还将带来可观的收入。

