

Jan Soloven, Trained chef, organic gardener, and experienced eater.

Answered Nov 7

What makes you think their food is fattening? If 1.5 Billion Chinese eat Chinese food and rarely get fat on it, I think that argues against your claim. If you’re getting fat eating Chinese-American food like 5 deep fried “egg rolls” every day, perhaps you might want to take the time to find out that these are not typical of what Chinese actually eat in China, it’s really an American food.

It’s a modern American tradition to take a healthy cuisine and make it as unhealthy as possible by batter dipping and deep frying whenever possible and adding tons of sugar. Most Chinese I’ve spoken to in the US complain that all American “Chinese” restaurants add way too much sugar and starch to everything.

“Chinese food” in America





Chinese food in China: lots of vegetables, tofu, soup, a small amount of fish or meat, and of course rice. Nothing below is deep fried. No egg roll; what exactly do you think would be fattening about this dinner?



Loring Chien, I know about Chinese food

Answered Nov 6

Eh, the food you eat at westernized and Americanized chinese restaurants is heavy in oil and fried ingredients, with lots of meat and gravy and fattening. Plus it tends to be a lot of carbs like rice and noodles and deep fried egg rolls and sweet and sour pork. They tend to serve the dishes which are served at special meals and not the everyday food.

In China the people ordinarily eat food with a lot more veggies and a lot less meat. The food is more steamed and boiled, and less fried and stir fried. More fish and less red meat. Rice is steamed not fried and gravies are lighter. Egg rolls and deep fried foods are nonexsitent at everyday meals.

Yeah, I know, I like a lot of the Americanized chinese food buffets too.




Matthew Miller, American living and working in China.

Answered Nov 7

This is an interesting question that I have also considered. Not only is their food delicious and somewhat fatty, but they eat A LOT! Food is the center of Chinese life and culture. It is not an overstatement to say that the Chinese are obsessed with food.

There are some mitigating factors, however:

1、Modern studies show that fat in itself is not necessarily fattening.

2、Chinese people eats LOTS of vegetables: two or more vegetable dishes are a requirement for every meal, even at home.

3、Chinese people eat lots, but they do not literally engorge themselves at meals like some Americans tend to do. Confucius taught to eat until you are 80% full, and many Chinese follow this.






4、Chinese people place a high regard and emphasis on health, especially in diet. So, while they might eat a dish of fatty pork, they will balance it with lots of vegetables, medicinal herbs, healthy tea, etc.

5、Chinese people drink tea all day and night: tea is very healthy and good for the metabolism.

6、Chinese people walk and ride bicycles much more than Americans. Sure, they have cars too, but they walk around much more. They like to go to parks and do sports or exercise and walk.

7、Chinese food is not processed and packaged: most Chinese buy fresh, raw food from the market and cook it at home. This is much healthier than, say, processed fast food.





8、Asians have good genes in terms of weight: they are naturally thin. A Chinese person has to work really hard to get fat, having to overcome their genes.

9、Chinese culture, once having viewed being fat as a sign of wealth and prosperity (and it still does to some degree), has begun to view being fat as undesirable in the modern age, and thus there is a huge cultural pressure not to get fat.

10、Excess in any way is against Confucianism, and China is still very much a Confucian society. Excess in any part of life is seen as undesirable and not civilized.




There may be other reasons, but you can see that there are many factors that contribute to the phenomenon that you rightly described.


One quick anecdote: when I lived in China, I did nothing out of the ordinary to try to lose weight, and I was naturally at a good weight. The very week I moved back to the US, I started gaining weight. I am not sure why, but it is true.

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