02.25 2020年1月梅州市高一英语六校联合检测



时间 120分钟 满分 150分




1 We’ve chatted online for some time but we have never met ___________.

2 It is nearly 11 o’clock yet he is not back. His mother ____________ him.

3 The Lius ___________ hard times before liberation.

4 ____________ get a good mark, I worked very hard before the exam.

5 I think the window was broken ___________ by someone.

6 You should ___________ the language points on the blackboard. They are useful.

7 They met at Tom’s party and later on ____________ with each other.

8 You can find ____________ English reading materials in the school library.

9 I am easy to be with and _____________my classmates pretty well.

10 They __________ in a small village so that they might not be found.



11 ___________ is a kind of natural phenomenon(现象).

12 Please read the __________ on the bottle before taking the medicine.

13 May and I are classmates, but we live in different _________.

14 Mao Zedong spoke with a strong Hunan __________.

15 When we met many years later I could hardly __________ Lily at the airport.

16 Gansu is a __________ province of China.

17 If you want to learn Chinese, you may learn from her. She speaks very ________ Chinese.

18 Will you please __________ the story to the whole class?

19 Visitors are ___________ not to touch the exhibits(展品).

20 He lived in America for five years and has a good __________ of English.




21. We’re going to __________ with some friends for a picnic. Would you like to join us?

A. get in

B. get over

C. get along

D. get together

22. While out of the window, I saw my father walking the dog in the garden.

A. look B. looks

C. looking D. looked

23. It’s in the city __________ you are going to pay a visit to __________ this kind of beer is produced.

A. /;where B. where; that

C./; that D. that; which

24. —Look! The telephone is broken. Someone damaged it __________purpose.

—That may be right. But perhaps it was broken __________ accident.

A. on; by B. by; by

C. on; on D. by; on

25. It rained heavily, and it is very kind of him to __________ his umbrella with me.

A. use B. share

C. take D. bring

26. Iraq has __________ too many wars since 1990s,making his people __________a lot.

A. got through; pay

B. looked through; face

C.gone through; suffer

D. passed through; destroy

27. Please __________the numbers and I’m sure they will __________more than 1000.

A. add up; add

B. add up; add up

C. add up; add up to

D. add; add up

28. This is the first time that I __________to Beijing.

A. was B. had been

C. am D. have been

29. Mr Smith didn’t go to the movie. He went swimming, __________ .

A. instead of B. instead

C. too D. either

30. — I’m going to take an exam tomorrow morning.

— __________you good luck.

A. Wish B. Hope

C. To wish D. Hoping

31. __________ of the street there is a book shop.

A. At the end B. By the end

C. In the end D. To the end

32. __________students are practicing __________English with each other at the English corner.

A. The number of; to speak

B. A great deal of; spoken

C. A number of; speaking

D. A great many; speak

33. The reason why he didn’t attend the meeting is __________ he stayed up late last night and didn’t get up until ten o’clock this morning.

A. because B. why

C. for D. that

34. __________life pace(步伐) continues to speed up(加快), we are quickly losing the art of enjoyment.

A. With B. When

C. As D. While

35. In front of the four witnesses(目击者), the thief had to admit __________the car.

A. to steal B. to have stolen

C. stealing D. of stealing


三、 完形填空。从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选择最佳选项填入相应空白之处。(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)

Joe was an American who came to Britain for the first time as an exchange student at London University. His first experience on the day he got to his flat was very confusing, ____36______British English.

It started the moment he _____37_____ the house. After a long flight, Joe felt very ____38______, and he wanted to go to bathroom. The lady handed him a towel(毛巾) and told him the bathroom was on the ____39______ floor. With the towel in his hand,

he felt a bit puzzled, going around, only to find ___40_______bathroom on that floor. Actually the lady meant the second floor in American English. Then he was shown upstairs, _____41_____ he found the bathroom but not what he was looking for. Now he ____42______the use of the towel.

That was only the beginning. Going 43 after using the toilet, he heard the lady making a ____44______of requests. She asked him to take off his shoes when he entered the room, to put his coat in the cupboard and the umbrella in the umbrella ____45______.

But that was not the ____46______. The series of requests were followed by ___47_______ on Joe’s first weekend. She told him not to take a shower after nine in the evening; and not to smoke in the bathroom.

She asked him to speak quietly on the phone; and to _____48_____ her dog. It was so terrible ____49______ he could not have stayed there for another week. ____50______, before leaving the house on Monday, Joe found this litter:

Dear Joe,

Could you please return the front door key? And one more question. Can you help me find a new tenant for my flat?

36. A. since B. because

C. therefore D. because of

37. A. arrived B. went

C. set foot into D. set foot on

38. A. excited B. exciting

C. tired D. tiring

39. A. first B. second

C. ground D. play

40. A. a B. one

C. the D. no

41. A. which B. that

C. when D. where

42. A. realized B. understood

C. recognized D. remembered

43. A. downstair B. downstairs

C. upstair D. upstiars

44. A. bit B. few

C. little D. series

45. A. stand B. place

C. part D. space

46. A. worse B. worst

C. better D. best

47. A. little by little

B. step by step

C. one after other

D. one after another

48. A. go B. walk

C. run D. keep

49. A. and B. for

C. as D. that

50. A. And B. However

C. Although D. Even

四、 阅读理解,根据短文内容选择最佳答案(共10小题,每小题2.5分,满分25分)


An African proverb says that a single hand cannot tie a bundle. Everyone needs companions to help them sail through the rough seas of life. Even the strongest and richest person still needs friends.

Our money and strength would have no value if we had no friends to share with us. The best friendship is a give-and-take relationship. We need the support of our family, friends and the community. In turn we also give support to the society, our friends and our family.

The word“friend” has many meanings. It could be the bus driver who takes you to and from work every day. It could be a parent, a colleague, a wife or husband, a brother or sister, or even the unknown person who helped you just once when you could not find your way.

Real friends share not only our happiness but our sorrows as well. This may explain why we have the expression “a friend in need is a friend indeed”.

Friendship is like the sunshine that keeps us warm. It is like the refreshing raindrops on the fields that give the farmers hope of a good planting season. Without friends our life would be like a desert where our only friend would be loneliness and sadness.

The most fortunate person is the one who has friends from all levels in the society. A driver might find friends not only among his colleagues but among farmers, bankers, traders, students, politicians or teachers.

We should never forget our old friends when we make new ones. We should treasure each of our friends whether poor or rich, beautiful or not. Each friend is unique in his or her own way. And all together, they enrich life and make it very colourful.

51. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. How to sail through the sea of life.

B. Friends and friendship.

C. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

D. Never forget old friends when making new ones.

52. What is the correct understanding of friends according to the writer?

A. Friends who share our happiness are not real friends.

B. Friends will take us through rough seas.

C. Friends never expect anything from others.

D. Friends can be different people around us.

53. An unknown person can be a friend as well when .

A. he helps you with what you need

B. he is told how to find his way

C. he becomes one of your family

D. he is a driver taking you from and to work

54. The underlined word “unique” in the last paragraph most probably means “”.

A. rich B. poor

C. special D. valuable

55. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. We need to help our friends because it is our duty to support others.

B. Best friends need to share only their sorrows and discomforts.

C. We make friends with farmers because they’re like the sunshine to keep us warm.

D. We should forget the old friends when making new ones.


The advantages of an international language in the modern world are obvious. Thanks to modern methods of transport, we can travel everywhere more easily and more quickly than ever before, but the language problem still remains.

Without a common language, there may be misunderstandings between people of different countries. There are two possible solutions to this problem: either we choose one of the main living languages of the world, or we make up an artificial one.

But neither solution is simple because no living language will be acceptable to everyone and because an artificial(人造的)language, such as Esperanto, has no culture and would be thought boring by many learners.

It is often said that English is quickly becoming a world language. It is certainly the most widely used language in the world, and second only to Chinese in its number or native speakers, but there are certain worries of choosing English as an international language.

First of all, for political reasons and national pride, English is not acceptable to everyone as a world language. Many dislike its influence. English words enter their language and this often threats their own language.

In France, a new word “franglais” has been invented to describe the results. Although English is being taught in more and more schools abroad, the process is not always popular. Not every nation is prepared to accept the leading position of English in their education system.

56. What are the advantages of an international language?

A. We can travel more easily.

B. We can learn our culture.

C. We can understand each other.

D. We can develop transport.

57. Why would many learners think Esperanto boring?

A. Because it is not a natural language.

B. Because it is not a world language.

C. Because there is nothing interesting in the language.

D. Because there is no country using this language as the main language.

58. What did the writer think of choosing English as an international language?

A. It’s crying for the moon.

B. Easier said than done.

C. It’s a piece of cake.

D. No pain, no gain.

59. The invention of the new French word “franglais” shows that ________.

A. French words enter the English language

B. English words enter the French language

C. the French language is becoming international

D. the English language is becoming international

60. Every nation doesn’t accept a living language as a world language partly because _________.

A. they are proud of their own school

B. they dislike a widely used language

C. a process has not become very popular

D. a foreign language has certain dangers



61. Susan said to her sister, “I will turn on the light for you.”

Susan told her sister . ___________________.

62. He said to me, “I am going to have my hair cut today.”

He told me .___________________.

63. Her husband asked her, “Does the dress fit?”

Her husband asked her .___________________.

64. Mr Liu said to the students, “The earth goes around the sun.”

Mr Liu told the students .___________________.

65. She asked, “What did you do yesterday?”

She asked .___________________.

66. Mrs Brown said, “David, finish the work.”

Mrs Brown the work.___________________.

67. Sally said, “Would you like to have a cup of tea?”

Sally asked me .___________________.

68. Mr Hoffman said, “Please don’t leave so soon, Mr Green.”

Mr Hoffman so soon.___________________.

69. The general said to the men, “Don’t stop practising.”

The general the men .___________________.

70. The boy said, “Sorry, Dad.”

The boy .___________________.


Suppose your name is Li Ming. You’re studying at a boarding school. You’re going to tell your parents something about your school life. Please write a letter to them using the tips given below.


1. 校园生活多彩;2. 课外活动丰富;

3. 同学和睦相处;4. 老师关心爱护;

5. 学习进展顺利;6. 厌倦学校饭菜;

7. 有时出外用餐;8. 父母不必挂念。

要求:1. 不要逐字逐句翻译,可适当增加情节;

2. 词数100个左右,不含已给出的。

Dear Dad and Mom,

How are you? I hope you are all well. It has been three weeks since I left home. Now I’m writing to tell you something about our school life.

Write soon.


Li Ming


Ⅳ. 单项填空

21. 解析:选D。考查短语辨析。get in收进,收获,收割;get over 克服,恢复;get along相处,进展;get together聚会,聚集。根据句意“我们要聚集一些朋友去野餐”可知,应选D项。

22. 解析:选C。考查状语从句的省略。当时间状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句中有be动词时,省略从句中的主语和be 动词。本句完整形式为:While I was looking out of the window ...

23. 解析:选C。句意为:这种啤酒就是你要去参观的那个城市生产的。第一空为引导定语从句的关系代词,在从句中作宾语,可省略;第二空为强调句,强调地点,所以用that。

24. 解析:选A。考查固定短语搭配。on purpose故意地,有意地;by accident碰巧地,意外地。

25. 解析:选B。share意为“分享,共用”,其他选项不符合句意。

26. 解析:选C。考查短语辨析。get through通过,完成;look through看穿,看透;pass through穿过,经历;go through经历,遭受。

27. 解析:选C。add up加起来,加上;add up to总计,总共。

28. 解析:选D。This is the first/second time that... 某人第几次做某事,前面为一般现在时,其后用现在完成时。

29. 解析:选B。根据题意可知,史密斯先生当时没有去看电影,而是去游泳了。应选副词instead来表示这种关系。A项后应加名词或动名词。C、D两项不合题意。

30. 解析:选A。wish用来表达“祝愿”。

31. 解析:选A。at the end of the street意为“在街的尽头”,其他选项不合题意。

32. 解析:选C。a number of意为“许多;大量”,practise后跟v.ing形式作宾语。the number of意为“……的数量”。

33. 解析:选D。the reason作主语,我们用that从句作表语,而不是because作表语。

34. 解析:选C。连词as表示前后句中动作的同时发生,引导时间状语从句。with后应接名词或短语,不能接句子;while引导时间状语,表示前后对比关系,此处不合题意;when仅表时间,无同时发生之意。

35. 解析:选C。考查admit的用法。admit doing sth.意为“承认做过某事”,是固定句型。


36. D解析:A、B、C都是连词,后面连接句子;这里需要的是一个表原因的介词短语。

37. C 解析:set foot into the house踏入这所房子,固定搭配。

38. C 解析:长途旅行之后,应当感到疲倦,人为主语,因此选tired。

39. A  解析:从下文“Actually the lady meant the second floor in American English.”可知,在英式英文中,楼房地面与街道相平的楼层叫ground floor, ground floor上面的一层叫first floor, 即“二层”;在美式英文中,楼房地面与街道相平的楼层叫first floor, first floor上面的一层叫second floor, 即“二层”。

40. D  解析:根据文义,因为他理解错了楼层意思,所以没有找到bathroom。

41. D  解析:这是个非限制性定语从句,从句部分缺少地点状语,故选地点副词where。

42. B  解析:英式英语中的bathroom是“浴室”的意思。此刻,他终于理解了为什么房东给他毛巾。

43. B 解析:根据上文可知他在楼上,用完洗手间以后,他来到了楼下,用副词downstairs。

44. D 解析:根据下文“The series of requests …”可知,这里的要求是一系列的。

45. A 解析:umbrella stand 特指“伞架”。

46. B 解析:后文中出现了terrible,且乔伊因无法忍受房东太太的苛刻要求,决定搬家。所以此处表达的意思为“这还不是最糟的”,故选B。

47. D  解析:根据语境可知,应是“接踵而来”。C选项应改为one after the other。

48. B解析:根据实际情况,房东应当是要求乔伊帮她遛狗。walk one’s dog遛狗。

49. D解析:so … that 引导状语从句,表示“如此……以至于”。

50. B 解析:根据句义这里是表转折,用逗号隔开应用however,故选B。

Ⅶ. 阅读理解,根据短文内容选择最佳答案

51. B解析:主旨大意理解题。A、C和D三项为片面的信息,只有B项可以概括全文。

52. D解析:理解题。根据第二段内容可知正确答案是D。

53. A解析:细节题。由第二段第二句和第三句可知A为正确答案。

54. C解析:应用题。根据上下文可知应选C。

55. A解析:细节题。由第一段最后两句可知A为正确答案。

56. C解析:细节题。由“Without a common language, there may be misunderstandings between people of different countries.”可知正确答案为C。

57. D解析:理解题。由“… such as Esperanto, has no culture and would be thought boring by many learners.”可知正确答案为D。

58. B解析:推断题。由“It is certainly the most widely used language in the world, … but there are certain worries of choosing English as an international language.”可知选英语作为全球语言仍然存在着问题。故选B,“说起来容易做起来难”。

59. B解析:理解题。从上文“English words enter their language and this often threats their own language.”可知应该是英语进入法语。

60. D解析:推断题。由第二、三段可知,各个国家无法从现存语言中选出全球语言是因为该语言对自己语言文化的威胁。

Ⅳ. 将直接引语转化为间接引语

61. that she would turn on the light for her

62. that he was going to have his hair cut that day

63. whether/if the dress fitted

64. that the earth goes around the sun

65. what I had done the day before

66. told /asked David to finish

67. to have a cup of tea

68. told/asked Mr Green not to leave

69. ordered, not to stop practising

70. said sorry to his Dad

How are you? I hope you are all well. It has been three weeks since I left home. Now I’m writing to tell you something about our school life. Our school life, with a lot of afterschool activities, is very colourful.

We classmates are getting along well with each other, and our teachers are very concerned about us. Now I study very hard and have made great progress. But the food in our school is not that good and I am really tired of it. So quite often I have to dinner outside. Don’t worry about me. I’ll take good care of myself.


