07.05 Colourpop 土豆泥腮紅 Between the Sheets

Colourpop 土豆泥腮紅 Between the Sheets

大噶好 cp專業戶又來了 今天安利一個土豆泥腮紅!偶然在小紅書看到試色就買了! 一個超美的肉桂色!我為了體現顏色腮紅眼影用的都是它 實際上整個妝各種顏色搭配會超美的!

我用的gracebabi星鑽散粉刷暈染沒什麼問題哦 個人覺得暈染不難

口紅bobbi brown ruby

Colourpop 土豆泥腮紅 Between the Sheets

Colourpop 土豆泥腮紅 Between the Sheets

Colourpop 土豆泥腮紅 Between the Sheets

Colourpop 土豆泥腮紅 Between the Sheets

Colourpop 土豆泥腮紅 Between the Sheets

Colourpop 土豆泥腮紅 Between the Sheets

Colourpop 土豆泥腮紅 Between the Sheets

Colourpop 土豆泥腮紅 Between the Sheets

Colourpop 土豆泥腮紅 Between the Sheets

