03.04 见过美军飞机坟场,见过俄罗斯米格31墓地吗?

每架飞机和发动机一样,都由着自己的寿命,发动机的寿命随着运转时间缩减 Every plane,as well as every engine,has its own lifetime.Engine's lifetime is measured in working hours.

以及机身的使用寿命相当于起降次数。 and airframe's lifetime - in the number of takeoffs and landings.

当寿命耗尽,发动机就会被拆下然后换上新的发动机,但是机身通常会被报废销毁。 After the end of lifetime,an engine can be demounted and replaced by a new one,but an airframe is often disposed.

这里就是一个销毁报废的米格-31军用坟场。 Here is one of the military boneyards where disposed MiGs are stored.

一些仪表. Some indicators.

发动机安装部分. Mounting section of the engine.

许多设备仍在 Equipment….

前苏联演员 "Vladimir Pokrovsky"

氮气充气和控制装置。 Nitrogen charging and control schedule.

