06.12 年轻人正在变得越来越愚蠢?外媒:科学家们发现智商呈下降趋势!


Young people's IQs are falling by 7 points per generation in 'pretty worrying' trend.Scientists have described the results as 'impressive' but 'pretty worrying', according to the Times.




The fall, which equates to about seven points per generation, is believed to have begun with those born in 1975, according to the first authoritative study of the phenomenon. The drop in scores marks the end of a trend – known as the Flynn effect – which has seen average IQs rise for the past 60 to 70 years by roughly three points a decade.


Generation [ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn] n.产生;一代人。




Scientists have described the results as 'impressive' but 'pretty worrying', according to the Times. Two British studies suggested that the fall was between 2.5 and 4.3 points every ten years. However IQ scores might have fallen since the turn of the millennium, according to previous studies. But due to limited research, their results were not widely accepted.

In the latest study Ole Rogeburg and Bernt Bratsberg, of the Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research in Oslo, found that Norwegian men's IQs are lower than the scores of their fathers when they were the same age. The pair analysed the scores from a standard IQ test of over 730,000 men – who reported for national service between 1970 and 2009.


Accepted [ək'septɪd] adj.公认的;可以接受的。

Economic [ˌi:kəˈnɒmɪk]adj.经济的;经济学的。



科学家们表示,目前仍不确定是什么因素导致的,但是这种下降的原因有可能和学校教授语言和数学的方法、技术差异有关,爱丁堡大学的心理学家Stuart Ritchie则认为原因在于人们花更多的时间在电子设备上而不是阅读书籍, 他坚称“这是弗林效应逆转的最有说服力的证据!”

The decline is do with a difference in technique in the way languages and maths are taught in schools, scientists have suggested. However, it could also be down to people spending more time on technological devices instead of reading books. Stuart Ritchie, a psychologist at the University of Edinburgh who did not take part in the research, told the newspaper: 'This is the most convincing evidence yet of a reversal of the Flynn Effect.


Technique [tekˈni:k] n.技术;技巧。



在这项由美国研究人员开展的研究中,超过500名儿童被问及他们在过去一个月里吃鱼的频率——从“从不”到“每周至少吃一次”。 然后他们参加了一个IQ测试,在考虑了父母教育、职业和婚姻状况等因素后,研究发现,每周至少吃一次鱼的孩子比从不吃鱼的孩子得分要高4.8分。即便是那些有时会吃鱼的人,得分也要高出3.3分!

They found that nine to 11-year-olds who eat it at least once a week scored almost 5 points higher in IQ tests to those who 'seldom' do. In this study by US researchers, more than 500 children were asked about how often they had consumed fish in the past month - with options ranging from 'never' to 'at least once per week'.They then took part in an IQ test which also considered such as verbal and written communication skills.After taking into consideration factors such as their parental education, occupation and marital status, it found children who eat fish least once a week score 4.8 points higher than those who never do.Even those whose meals sometimes include fish scored 3.3 points higher.


Researchers ['rɪsɜ:tʃəz] n.研究员,调查者。( researcher的名词复数 )






