12.03 别希望过度,止于适度和有所保留都挺好

1.我始终相信 走过平湖烟雨 岁月山河 那些历经劫数尝遍人间百味的人 会更加生动而干净

I have always believed that those who have gone through the years of mist and rain in Pinghu will be more vivid and clean.


2.别希望过度 止于适度和有所保留都挺好的

Don't expect excessive moderation and reservations to be good.

3.抱怨深处黑暗 不如提灯独自前行

Complaining about the darkness in the depths is better than walking alone with a lantern.


4.你可以听很丧的歌 但我希望你看看外面的太阳 星星 月亮 行人 树木 花香 棉花糖 雨滴 动物看到这个世界也是亮晶晶的

Seeing the world is also shining.


5.希望我们遇见一个干净的人 没有蓄谋离开的心思 没有藏着掖着的行为 忠于一人 只把真诚给你 阳光给你 最好的都给你

Hope that we meet a clean person with no deliberate mind to leave, no hidden behavior, loyalty to one person, only give you sincere sunshine and give you the best.

6.很喜欢这句话 一朵花的凋零荒芜不了整个春天 一次挫折也荒废不了整个人生 你一点都不差只要你想开始随时可以启程


I like the saying that the withering and desolation of a flower can't make the whole spring frustrated or the whole life wasted. You're not bad at all as long as you want to start at any time.


Kindness and gentleness are bound to bring luck.


