黄文琪雅思口语|Part3: 人工智能 Artificial Intelligence

a synthetic voice 电脑合成的声音

Professor Hawking is one of the most famous scientists in the world and people remember him for his brilliance and also because he communicates using a synthetic voice generated by a computer – synthetic means it's made from something non-natural.霍金教授是世界最著名的科学家之一。人们记住他的一个原因是他的聪明才智,还有一个原因就是它是通过电脑合成的声音来与他人沟通的。

a threat to our existence 对我们自身的存在会构成威胁

Well, Professor Hawking said that efforts to create thinking machines are a threat to our existence.霍金教授表示人们试图创造具有思维能力的机器对我们自身的存在会构成威胁。

黄文琪雅思口语|Part3: 人工智能 Artificial Intelligence

surpass 超越

But technology is developing quickly and maybe we should consider the consequences. Some of these very clever robots are already surpassing us, Rob.但是科技在高速发展,或许我们应该考虑一下后果。这些相当聪明的机器人当中有一些已经超越了我们,罗伯。

rebel against their creators 反抗他们的创造者

No, it's not. In many movies and books about robots that think, the robots end up rebelling against their creators.是的。在很多关于会思考的机器人的电影或者书中,这些机器人最后开始反抗他们的创造者。

黄文琪雅思口语|Part3: 人工智能 Artificial Intelligence

pursue your objective at any cost 会不惜任何代价实现这个目标

Yes, it is. So the academic explains that if you're a computer responsible for producing paperclips, you will pursue your objective at any cost and even use atoms from human bodies to turn them into paperclips! 是的,是很可怕。所以这位学者解释说,如果你是一台负责生产回纹针的电脑,你会不惜任何代价实现这个目标,甚至使用人体内的原子,将人类变为回纹针!

have a moral compass 受到道德标准的约束

If Stephen Hawking is worried, I think I might be too. How can we be sure that Artificial Intelligence – be it either a device or software – will have a moral compass?如果史蒂芬·霍金担心了,我认为我或许也应该担心。我们怎样才能保证人工智能——无论是设备还是软件——受到道德标准的约束呢?

