雅思口语P3: 做过兴奋的事情 (1-4月新题)


Describe something exciting that you did

雅思口语P3: 做过兴奋的事情 (1-4月新题)

1.What personal events do people usually celebrate?

原创答案:Well, there are several events people usually celebrate , some are formal and significant ,such as marriage which happens only once in ones life, people would prepare many things for it for a long time and spend much money on it , on the other hand, some are much casual like a birthday party or promotion, this kind of celebration would be a great moment to catch up with friends or relatives and bring people closer to each other.(雅思口语P3情报站)

2.How do people celebrate their personal events?

原创答案:I would say a gathering with food, alcohol, friends, and family is the most common way to celebrate an event across the world. What is different is that in China ,more and more people choose go outside for celebration rather than at home. More specifically, for example, birthday celebration, people like to go to a fancy restaurant for pigging out and fun, the reason is first it is convenient to do that ,there is no need for extra preparation , it is great considering people now are occupied with hectic work ,Secondly, many people still believe that it brings kind sense of superiority, coz, as they say, they can be served as gods, of course it is kind of mindset which should be discarded , in view of the fact people in China just have not been well-off for a long time , it is pretty hard for people change their pedantic way of thinking in a short time anyway(雅思口语P3情报站)

3.How much time do people need to prepare for celebration?

原创答案:Well it depends on how important and formal the event is , if it is occasion such as marriage, it needs much time to prepare it, coz there are so many aspects you have to take care of , such as wedding scene and hotel reservation, usually people have to prepare at least 1 week ahead, on the other hand, when it is just a casual party for example, for a promotion , I think people just need to notice his friend 1 day in advance so that his friends can arrange their schedule and make time for his invitation. Usually there is nothing special to be prepared ,coz people choose to go out with friends to some place,.where everything is already such as a pub.(雅思口语P3情报站)

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