英語趣聽力 Do you usually go Dutch?


英語趣聽力 Do you usually go Dutch?

What percentage of married couples don’t know exactly what their spouse earns?

Now tell me , do you usually go Dutch when you take someone out to dinner? Now go Dutch means to share the cost of something, for example, a meal in a restaurant. Well Alice. No. I usually expect my date to pay, actually. You are joking Neil. I wouldn’t be surprised. Personally, I think it’s a nice gesture to offer to pay for the meal when you are on a date. But it can depend on the situation. Some people might be offended if you offer to pay for everything. Yes, true. Clearly, you are not going to offend those people Neil, are you? And I will/ won’t be going to dinner with you any time soon. well I didn’t ask. Calm down Alice. Actually money matters can cause relationship problems in couples. That’s the subject of the show. Here is today’s quiz question based on a UK survey. Ready Alice? I’m indeed. What percentage of married couples don’t know exactly what their spouse earns? Is it A, 4% B 14% C. 44% well gosh. I think B. 14% Yes, That sounds about right to me. Well we will find out if you are right or wrong later on. Now, it seems important that couples are honest about their finances, because it can have an impact on their future financial options together. Yes, that’s right. If you are buying a house together, and then find out later that your spouse your husband or wife is thousands of pounds in debt, then the chances are you won’t be able to get a mortgage. To be in debt, by the way, means to owe money to someone. Good point. A mortgage is where a bank lend you money to buy a house. Let’s listen now to what Arabera Russell ,a relationship therapist, has to say about this. “ The fact of matter is it’s very difficult they can be very difficult to talk about money, talk about money it’s emotion very close to us as guilt and shame what we have done in the past. To start those conversations is complicated.Money can be about how we value ourselves how we feel valued. it’s not just a simple case of talking about hard cash.” Arabera talked about hard cash. What does that mean? Well we say hard cash when talk about physical money the coins and the bank notes., i supposed, other types of payment. 2:45

