give 在被動語態中的用法

give 是我們大家都很熟悉的一個單詞,但是它在被動語態中的用法你都知道嗎?give: You say that you are given to understand or believe that something is the case when you do not want to say how you found out about it, or who told you. (當你不想說你是如何弄清或者是誰告訴你的時候,你理解或相信某事是這樣的。)理解,相信。(這是一種比較正式的用法)。例如:

We were given to understand that he was ill.


He has been given to believe that there may be a future for him and her together.


In many cities, including Shanghai and Shenzhen, companies need official permission to restart. Few have been given it.


To qualify, businesses must have, for instance, an adequate stock of face masks for their employees. That is a tall order given there is a huge nationwide shortage of them, points out Gavekal Dragonomics, a consultancy.

符合復工要求的項目包括企業需要為員工們提供充足的口罩供應。中國經濟研究機構龍洲經訊(gaveka dragonomics)透露,鑑於目前全國各地都缺少口罩,這實在是個苛刻的要求

a tall order: If something is a tall order, it is very difficult. 難辦的事情,棘手的問題。

Financing your studies may seem like a tall order, but there is plenty of help available.


give 在被動語態中的用法

