





Notice on Further Strengthening Declaration of Travel History outside Mainland China Issued by the Command Center of the Leading Group of COVID-19 Pandemic Prevention and Control of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region



The Command Centers of the Leading Group of COVID-19 Pandemic Prevention and Control of all cities and counties of Guangxi and Guangxi’s regional departments and branches of Central Departments and Agencies in Guangxi:



In order to further strengthen the work of declaration of travel history for the personnel returning to and entering Guangxi from outside mainland China and take strict precautions against the imported COVID-19 cases, the following notice is issued upon approval by the Command Center of the Leading Group of COVID-19 Pandemic Prevention and Control of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (hereinafter referred to as the Leading Group Command Center):



First, the system of proactively reporting the travel history outside mainland China must be strictly enforced. The reporting system should be made known to the widest possible range of people. Families who have members recently planning to return to and enter Guangxi from outside mainland China must faithfully report the information 48 hours in advance to the corresponding towns and townships (administrative streets), villages (communities), the working units of those planning to return or of other family members. The information reported should include but not limited to the name, current countries and cities of stay, date of return, specific schedule (including transit flights ect.), means of travel, health conditions and contact information. Upon their arrival at the ports of entry, airports and stations, the returning personnel from outside mainland China should be guided to proactively and faithfully report their travel and staying history outside mainland China (within the past 14 days), health conditions and contact history with COVID-19 confirmed or suspected cases. The leading group command centers of all levels of Guangxi must immediately and timely report the received information to their superior one on a level-by-level basis.



Second, the check and screening mechanism must be further tightened. The big data, grid management and other effective methods shall be used to check, screen and register the information of the personnel one by one who intend to return to and enter Guangxi, and the results should be reported to the superior leading group command center on a level-by-level basis.



Third, the nucleic acid testing measure must be implemented to the letter. Medical check and examination such as taking temperature and nucleic acid testing must be conducted for all those who return to and enter Guangxi from outside mainland China, and different measures will ensue based on the testing results. Those tested positive or have such symptoms as fever and cough must be sent to designated medical institutions for quarantine and treatment and relevant epidemiological survey should be carried out simultaneously. Those tested negative should go through a 14-day quarantine at designated sites for medical observation in their destination in Guangxi.



Fourth, the accountability system must be strictly conducted in accordance with laws. Relevant working units and responsible persons must be held accountable according to laws and regulations if they give rise to severe consequences because they report belatedly, fail to report, conceal the truth and report false information about the personnel who return to and enter Guangxi. The public security organs may put the case on record for investigation if the personnel returning to and entering Guangxi from outside mainland China refuse to cooperate with relevant staff in conducting prevention and control work or purposely conceal their travel and stay history, their contact history with COVID-19 confirmed or suspected cases and their health conditions, thus jeopardizing public security and frontier health quarantine work. If the offence constitutes a crime, the criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with laws.



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