十数年潜心研究 著名学者刘东汶破译汉字形成发展的奥秘

十数年潜心研究 著名学者刘东汶破译汉字形成发展的奥秘


Study on the Mysteries of the formation and Development of Chinese characters deciphered by Liu Dongwen, a famous scholar, for more than ten years






















Study on the Mysteries of the formation and Development of Chinese characters deciphered by Liu Dongwen, a famous scholar, for more than ten years

A brief introduction to Liu Dongwen's book "Ancient Chinese characters of Magic Wisdom"

A book by Liu Dongwen, Ancient Chinese characters of Magic Wisdom, published by the Central Party School Press, has been published.

The author Liu Dongwen is a well-known figure in the national theoretical circle (see Guangming Daily 1994 / 617 front page list). In the past 40 years, many of his influential papers have been published in the country's top newspapers and periodicals, and his monographs have been published in more than 3 million words. Editor-in-chief books more than ten kinds, the text reaches 6 million words. In addition, there are including the promotion of Shougang contract system, the rapid exemption of agricultural tax, vigorously promote positive energy and other major countermeasures and suggestions, has been adopted by the country.

Ancient Chinese characters of Magic Wisdom is the author's painstaking work since 2006. At home and abroad, the study of the meaning of Chinese characters is full of books, but mostly hype such as careful exegesis. Liu Dongwen took a different approach, from Chinese characters (mainly oracle inscriptions, with 1700 characters) in the budding and initial period, to the Chinese characters in the hard growing period, mainly the Jin>

At home and abroad, Liu Dongwen's research on the meaning of Chinese characters opened a new way. As early as 2008, in his letter of invitation to Liu Dongwen from the Chinese University of Hong Kong seminar, he was highly praised for his "unique achievements and outstanding achievements" in the field of Chinese character research. He was invited to attend the seminar and give him guidance. New Year's Day just passed in 2008. The three union leaders invited him personally to give a series of lectures on Chinese characters to UN officials at lunchtime. At the annual meeting of the National people's Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese people's political Consultative Conference, many deputies and committee members also spoke of the problem of Chinese characters from the viewpoint of Liu Dongwen.

He reveals the rules of the formation of the meaning of Chinese characters, and he clearly reveals the mysterious Chinese characters codes seen in the past four or five thousand years to the world. By returning the mysterious Chinese characters from the production, life, and struggle in the world, people feel that the history of the Chinese characters is the history of the people themselves, and that the Chinese characters are the nature in which the people live. Chinese characters are the reflection of human society.

From the legendary word Cangjie to the oracle-bone-writing stage, the pictographic characters in Chinese characters were basically established. These pictographs (also known as perceptual characters) are the source of the emergence and development of rational characters in Chinese characters. In the Chinese characters, these pictographs (perceptual characters) appeared as the radicals of the characters. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were 540 radicals in Xu Shen and only 300 in the Kangxi Dictionary in the Qing Dynasty. Perceptual word radical appears as part of rational word. The vast majority of Chinese characters are rational characters, and rational characters are the combination and arrangement of perceptual characters. Formed on the basis of a column.

Coincidentally, the huge library of Western phonetic characters is made up of 300 roots by adding affixes and so on. The Chinese character library is also made up of 300 radicals. It seems that the East and the West culture has twists and turns!

Chinese characters through the combination of two or more radicals, constitute a large number of rational words. Throughout the history of the formation of Chinese characters, every rational word is formed in the long history of less than hundreds of years and more than thousands of years. There were 1700 characters in the oracle bone stage (Shang Dynasty), 4,000 characters in the Qin Dynasty when Qin unified China, and 9353 characters in the small seal>

Since the formation of the meaning of Chinese characters is a long historical process for thousands of years, it is necessary to look for the correct meaning from the historical development. The stage of oracle bone inscription is the initial stage of Chinese characters and the embodiment of the initial heart of the creators of Chinese characters. Therefore, it is very important and necessary to grasp the initial heart of the initiators in oracle bone inscriptions. In oracle bone inscriptions, the body, mind, body, and so on of the person whose eyes, ears, nose, tongue, etc have their own unique forms of expression. For the golden wood, water, fire and soil, for birds, for animals and so on, they are all represented by concise figurative pictographs. The pictographic characters in oracle bone inscriptions must be firmly grasped and applied flexibly. Only grasp the Oracle stage. The appearance of Chinese characters will not be unfathomable and incompatible with the real world.

From the oracle bone inscription stage to the seal>

Chinese characters form new rational characters in the constant combination of radicals. Because the specific meaning of the radical is different, the rational character of the composition is different. Chinese characters can be accurately divided into different categories of things expressed by each Chinese character through different composition of their radicals. In the Chinese characters of the same kind, the things they express often have some characteristics in common.

Grasp that each Chinese character is composed of those radicals, and at the same time can rationally grasp the relationship between the radicals, can accurately and scientifically reveal the meaning of each Chinese character. For example, poverty, wealth, autumn, etc. For example, the poor word is made up of three radicals, such as eight knives and shellfish, which refers to a few people who share money (shellfish), like 100 yuan to 5 people, 20 yuan each, what can they do? Buy a bowl of noodles and spend it all. For example, the traditional character of the poor character is composed of three radicals, such as the cave body bow, which means that there is no house to live in and have to live in the cave. The cave is still very small and the body has to bow in order to get in and out. This family is not only difficult in life, but also very small space, which is the meaning of the word poor. The word "rich" is also closely related to people's daily life. First look at the word Yu, by Yigu and other two members of the composition, refers to this family has clothes to wear, rice to eat grain, that is, the saying is not lack of clothing and food, of course, this is a rich family. To tell the truth, in ancient times, people were looking forward to the Japanese characters, but it was difficult to realize. For the Chinese people, the years of no food and clothing are only 30 years old! When we look at the word "rich" again, it is the opposite of the word "poor". The composition of a radical. Under normal circumstances, the mouth means import and export, but in the word rich, it means population and labor, and fields denote ripe soil that has been reclaimed and can be planted. This is thousands of years ago under the conditions of China's agricultural economy, people for rich understanding: there is labor, arable land, you can create wealth through men and women; The housing is created wealth, housing can guarantee the labor force and the family population continue to multiply. This rich word contains the content, under the modern society condition, the political economy summary also is no more than these contents!

Autumn characters are composed of two radicals, such as fire. The late autumn season comes when the graminate is on fire. Ten thousand wood frost red, rice and sorghum crops a golden yellow, this is autumn!

The traditional style of entering characters is composed of two radicals, such as the good hysteresis and so on. The good word is the pictograph of the short-tailed bird. Chickens, ducks and geese are birds domesticated by wild short-tailed birds. Have you noticed if they are moving backward or flying backwards? No Chickens, ducks and geese can only fly forward and only go forward. So how do they go back and fly back? We have to turn! And humans and mammals, including insects, fish, insects, can start moving forward or back immediately in a stationary state! Among the 1.5 million animals, the ancestors of Chinese characters only chose this kind of animal to explain what it is and how amazing it is. Ah!

Chinese characters with the same radicals have different meanings because of their respective positions. For example, the position of the word radical, which is composed of two radicals, is very different: 1the traditional character of East character expresses the rising of the red sun, the direction in which the red sun rises in the trees is the east; Gao characters express that at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, rising in the trees and trees, the red sun is booming, vigorous, brilliant, this spirit is the example that people should learn; The red sun has fallen under the roots of the trees. Where can we find the red sun? So, There was no news of these words. How interesting and mysterious it is!

Chinese characters are magical and intelligent. Different from phonetic characters, Chinese characters are scientific, vivid and concise.

This book for the history of Chinese characters difficult to recognize, difficult to write, difficult to read is a thorough solution. Chinese characters will become very friendly and familiar in people's minds, easy to recognize, easy to read; at the same time, the formation of each Chinese character is easy to remember, so it is easy to write everyday. Learning to master 70 or 80 words and their meanings in one day is no longer a myth. This will provide an unprecedented shortcut for foreigners to learn to master Chinese.

This book is the author's brave and wise exploration of the meaning of Chinese characters. The author expresses his willingness to work with the talented people who study Chinese characters at home and abroad to explore and think hard to win the brilliant victory in the study of Chinese characters. For the Chinese culture, Chinese civilization in the world in the revival of the struggle to advance!

(provided by Chu Wencai)


