讀名著學英語38 dign dignity dignitary indignity indignation

On the morning of Elsa’s coronation, the heavy gates to the castle were finally opened. All of Arendelle wanted to celebrate the grand occasion. The streets in front of the castle were crowded with townspeople eager to see the new queen.


coronation: n. 加冕,加冕典禮

To add to the excitement, the fjord was filled with ships from other kingdoms, bringing dignitaries from far away. One by one, important people stepped onto Arendelle’s docks.


dignitary: n. 達官貴人,顯貴,要人

dock: n. 碼頭

讀名著學英語38 dign dignity dignitary indignity indignation


讀名著學英語38 dign dignity dignitary indignity indignation



dign= be worth, worthy, noble 值得, 有價值的;高貴的

condign adj. (懲罰)值得的,應得的

con 加強 + dign → (懲罰)值得的,應得的

dignify v. 使…高貴

dign + ify 使… → 使…高貴

dignitary n. 顯貴,要人

dign + itary 人 → 顯貴,要人

dignity n. 尊嚴;莊嚴

dign + ity 具備某種性質,狀況 → 尊嚴;莊嚴

indignant adj. 憤慨的,憤怒的

in 不 + dign + ant …的 → 憤慨的,憤怒的

indignation n. 憤怒

in 不 + dign + ation 行為,過程,狀態,結果 → 憤怒

indignity n. 輕視;侮辱

in 不 + dign + ity 具備某種性質,狀況 → 輕視;侮辱

讀名著學英語38 dign dignity dignitary indignity indignation



(1) beneath your dignity

below what you see as your own importance or worth

(2) stand on your dignity

(formal) 要求受到應有的禮遇;保持尊嚴
to demand to be treated with the respect that you think that you deserve

