

NEW YORK CITY—Responding to an anonymous tip regarding alleged suspicious activity, police shot an unarmed black civilian who reportedly matched the description for Covid-19, sources confirmed Wednesday. “In the heat of the moment, it was completely impossible to differentiate between the 6-foot-1inch, 175-pound male and the 0.125-micron pathogen,” said Sergeant Troy Ellis of the NYPD, describing how the tips on the suspect’s shoelaces were nearly identical to the microscopic spikes found on the novel coronavirus. “Obviously this is an unfortunate mistake, but the party in question was potentially a highly contagious disease that could’ve infected the entire community, and we couldn’t take that risk. We’ve received numerous reports of the virus hanging out in the streets of nearby neighborhoods, and it is our responsibility to act. We put our lives on the line out here to serve and protect, and when the suspect put his arm up to cough into his elbow, we had no way of knowing whether he was a virus going for a gun.” At press time, leaked body cam footage revealed that the police officer had dropped a positive test result next to the suspect’s corpse.

纽约市ー据消息人士周三证实,在回应一个匿名举报涉嫌可疑活动时,警察射杀了一名手无寸铁的黑人平民,据报道,这名平民的外貌特征与新型冠状病毒肺炎相符。 纽约警局的特洛伊 · 埃利斯警官说: “在最激烈的时刻,完全无法区分6英尺1英寸,175磅重的男性和0.125微米的病原体。”他描述了嫌疑犯鞋带上的尖端如何与新型冠状病毒上发现的微小尖刺几乎一致。 “显然,这是一个不幸的错误,但问题所在的政党可能是一个潜在的高度接触传染病,可能会感染整个社区,我们不能冒这个险。 我们收到很多报告,说病毒在附近街区流行,我们有责任采取行动。 我们冒着生命危险在这里服务和保护,当嫌疑犯把手伸进手肘咳嗽时,我们没办法知道他是不是要拿枪的病毒” 截稿时,泄露的身体监控录像显示,警察在疑犯尸体旁留下了阳性检测结果。

