英语笔记,每日一句:All you have to do is

英语笔记,每日一句:All you have to do is

All you have to do is...




eg :

  • All you have to do is to push the button and wait.
  • 你所要做的就是按下这个按钮然后等待。
  • They promised that all I have to do is to tell the truth and leave.
  • 他们答应我只要我说出真相就可以走了。
  • All you have to do is call me. I'll be there.
  • 你只需给我打个电话就行了。我会在那儿的

  • 英语笔记,每日一句:All you have to do is


    A: Do you know how to play go? 你知道围棋怎么下吗?
    B: It's easy. All you have to do is to use your pieces to surround the opponent's pieces and then take over all of his territory.
    很简单。你所要做的只是用自己的子去围对方的子,然后 占下他所有的地盘就行了。
    A: But I heard it is very difficult to play. 可我听说围棋很难下。
    B: It's easier said than done. When you actually play, it can be very frustrating.


    surround 美 [sə'raʊnd] 英 [sə'raʊnd]

    v. 围绕 / 与…有关 / 包围

    n. 边 / 环绕物 / 周围地区 / 环境

    opponent 美 [ə'poʊnənt] 英 [ə'pəʊnənt]

    n. 对手 / 敌手 / 反对者

    territory 美 ['terətɔːrɪ] 英 ['terɪt(ə)rɪ]

    n. 领土 / 地方 / 范围 / 地域

    frustrating 美 [ˈfrəstreɪdɪŋ] 英 [frʌˈstreɪtɪŋ]

    adj. 使人心烦的

