【视频专访】 疫情下,英国未来的商业发展何去何从?





Q:So, what’s your views on the UK government policies so far on tackling the coronavirus?


A: I feel that the UK government acted very swiftly, not only to contain the virus but also to stand the problems of British businesses’ gonna have,


they put a substantial amount of money into helping not only the small to medium enterprises and also big businesses the major employers in the UK.


They’ve really seen that could be a problem with the virus at this moment in time.


【视频专访】 疫情下,英国未来的商业发展何去何从?

Q: The chancellor has recently announced that a lot of policy and also financial measures in tackling the outbreak, how do you feel that has an impact on the UK economy?


A: Well, we’re definitely gonna see a turn down in the UK economy.


That is not gonna be as too much activity but that is important that the government has given us, means that small businesses that would have been on the bring curve of going under should survive in the short term.


Q: Do you feel that the measures outlined by the Chancellor recently and also maybe the Prime Minister? What do you think the impact is on small medium businesses?

:您如何看待首相最近提出的措施以及可能提出的措施? 它这对中小型企业有什么影响?

A: Well, as I said before, there is gonna be a significant impact on the amount of activity the small businesses are going to be doing over the next couple of months at least, putting this injection of capital into those businesses is gonna help them survive.


And hopefully flourish for when we come out of this situation at the moment.


【视频专访】 疫情下,英国未来的商业发展何去何从?

Q: And do you feel that because of the outbreak, and there's now a quite big change in the way that people work or the way businesses are operated.


A: Yeah, there’s gonna be a massive change in the way we work,


we have seen it right now with people working remotely that were bringing in the new technology very very quickly to ensure that business is carrying on, not seamlessly, but as best as they can,.


I think this is gonna end up changing the way we work in the future


Q: In terms of innovation. How do you feel the impact this has on innovation I mean UK as always being at the forefront of innovation, do you think this will potentially delay that or would actually expertise unexpectedly?


A:I think it is gonna speed things up,


because what we've seen as a global crisis hitting us so quickly that people had to jump in with new technology to help businesses survive,


so I can see us going forward and have a quick rate of pace that we were actually anticipating,


and this is why we're gonna need the talents coming in from overseas that can regenerate this technology and make sure that, you know, when we come back we really do bounce back.


【视频专访】 疫情下,英国未来的商业发展何去何从?

Q: The government recently, even before the virus started, as now the series of changes in immigration policy? For example, the launch of the innovator visa, and also the fast tracking of visas for exceptional talents such as scientists from overseas. What do you think about these changes in the immigration policy in attracting overseas talents?


A: Well, it’s a great thing because the governments have seen that we need a new town coming into the country from overseas investors and that money as well is rejuvenating the innovation that will take us forward into the next century,


we are living in a small global community now and attracting those specialists in innovation and technology can only help the UK economy.


Q: Earlier on while we were speaking about this topic, we were talking about the xx of 50 billion power package announced by the chancellor so far and we're talking about where that kind of money’s gonna come from, do you think somehow the investors are interested in investing in the UK, this would be a good moment for them to come in and also it would be wise for the governments to actually attract as many of these investors to the UK as possible?


A:Yes, you’re quite right, overseas investment is gonna be essential to the British economy,


the British UK governments believe in our business community, and that’s why they are ploughing so many millions pounds into making sure that when the crisis is over, they come back bigger and stronger than ever,


at the moment it could not be a better time to invest in the UK businesses with the exchange rates, the preferable to overseas investors but also the need for new innovation and technology,


and this is what the government’s striving for with their immigration policies.


【视频专访】 疫情下,英国未来的商业发展何去何从?

Q: I know it’s hard to predict, but what is the longer-term view of the UK economy, once we go through this gone passed the stage of coronavirus and also the Brexit, well what will it be like?


A: Well, I think after we finished or what we're going through at the moment, you’re quite right you bring the Brexit into it.


I think we're gonna be stronger than ever, but we're gonna see a change in the way we work, the way business operates is going to change substantially, so we're gonna see more online events, but also more online businesses.


The moment will see a significant increase in the online shopping, delivery services and although we appear to be a crisis at the moment.


There’s companies actually taking on more staff to cope with these demands and I think it's gonna change the whole way we live, whether it’s shopping to doing business across the whole the world, things are gonna be more online and more virtual and this is where the technology and the innovation comes into it.


【视频专访】 疫情下,英国未来的商业发展何去何从?

【视频专访】 疫情下,英国未来的商业发展何去何从?

Q: OK, so finally, anything you want to say to tell the potential investors in China who are wished to think about getting into the UK.



: Yeah, I think any investors who are looking at the UK economy at the moment, so it's a fantastic time to look at investing in UK businesses.


Because we realised to move forward, we’re gonna have to innovate, regenerate and reshape the way we do business, that couldn’t be a better time to look at the UK economy.


Well, thank you very much.


