【自學英語】 一天一課磨耳背誦,五個月入門口語及語法(61)

Lesson 61 A bad cold 重感冒
Listen to the tape then answer this question. What is good news for Jimmy?


【自學英語】 一天一課磨耳背誦,五個月入門口語及語法(61)


MR. WILLIAMS: Where's Jimmy?
MRS. WILLIAMS: He's in bed.
MR. WILLIAMS: What's the matter with him?
MRS. WILLIAMS: He feels ill.
MR. WILLIAMS: He looks ill.
MRS. WILLIAMS: We must call the doctor.
MR. WILLIAMS: Yes, we must.
MR. WILLIAMS: Can you remember the doctor's telephone number?
MRS. WILLIAMS: Yes. It's 09754.
DOCTOR: Open your mouth, Jimmy. Show me your tongue. Say, "Ah'.
MR. WILLIAMS: What's the matter with him, doctor?
DOCTOR: He has a bad cold, Mr. Williams, so he must stay in bed for a week.
MRS. WILLIAMS: That's good new for Jimmy.
DOCTOR: Good news? Why?
MR. WILLIAMS: Because he doesn't like school!


MR. WILLIAMS: Where's Jimmy?


MRS. WILLIAMS: He's in bed.


MR. WILLIAMS: What's the matter with him?


MRS. WILLIAMS: He feels ill.


MR. WILLIAMS: He looks ill.


MRS. WILLIAMS: We must call the doctor.


MR. WILLIAMS: Yes, we must.


MR. WILLIAMS: Can you remember the doctor's telephone number?


MRS. WILLIAMS: Yes. It's 09754.


DOCTOR: Open your mouth, Jimmy. Show me your tongue. Say, "Ah'.

醫 生:把嘴張開,吉米。讓我們 看看你的舌頭。說“啊——”

MR. WILLIAMS: What's the matter with him, doctor?


DOCTOR: He has a bad cold, Mr. Williams, so he must stay in bed for a week.

醫 生:他得了重感冒,威廉斯先生, 因此他必須臥床一週。

MRS. WILLIAMS: That's good new for Jimmy.


DOCTOR: Good news? Why?

醫 生:好消息?為什麼?

MR. WILLIAMS: Because he doesn't like school!


feel v. 感覺
look v. 看(起來)
must modal verb. 必須
call v. 叫,請
doctor n. 醫生
telephone n. 電話
remember v. 記得,記住
mouth n. 嘴 open your mouth
tongue n. 舌頭 show me your tongue
bad adj. 壞的,嚴重的 bad cold
cold n. 感冒
news n. 消息 good news
1 主語+不及物動詞
2 主系表結構,其中系動詞(link-verb)包括be動詞和感官動詞。
I feel happy.
The food smells terrible.
She looks sad.
This tastes good.
I feel ill.
She feels ill.

How does she feel?
How does Jimmy feel?
feel funny/ feel like (doing) sth./feel free to do sth.
look 表示看的動作/ see 表示看的內容、結果/ watch 觀看移動的東西/ observe 表示觀察/ spot /sight/view 察看
lose oneself at the first sight
I lost myself at the first sight of my wife.
sightsee/ scan/ glimpse 瞥一眼/ glance 匆匆看一眼/ stare/ notice/ note 看到並記住
look for 尋找/ look after照顧/ look forward to 希望/ look down on(upon)
call(s) a doctor
doctor/ Dr./quack 江湖郎中/ healer 大夫/dentist 牙醫/physician 內科醫生/ surgeon 外科醫生
see a doctor/ see the dentist
send for a doctor/ ask the doctor
remember + 名詞或代詞
I remember you.
I can remember the doctor's telephone number.
Can you remember the doctor's telephone number?
remember to do sth. 記得去做某事
remember doing sth. 記得做了某事

tongue twister n. 繞口令/ mother tongue
open your mouth/ show me your tongue /show your tongue to me
bad/ ill/ evil
cold adj. 寒冷的 It is cold.
   n. 感冒 have/ catch/ get a bad cold.

