
Huawei is still winning 5G contracts around the world despite the U.S. ban


Countries around the world are still awarding Huawei contracts to develop 5G networks, despite repeated warnings and pressure from the U.S to ban the equipment maker.


The Chinese telecom giant has won more than 18 new 5G commercial contracts in the past five months, half of which come from Europe, according to data Yahoo Finance compiled from Huawei announcements. With 40 commercial contracts in total, Huawei is leading 5G installations worldwide


Chi Lo, senior economist at PNB Paribas, thinks Europeans are more practical. “If you look at the tech area, they are much more intertwined with the Chinese Huawei and 5G technology. If they shut out Huawei, they'll probably shut themselves out of the 5G market for at least two or three years. Obviously the governments there are considering how to make a choice of that.”

法国巴黎银行高级经济学家Chi Lo认为,欧洲人更为务实。“在科技领域,他们与中国华为的联系要紧密得多。如果把华为拒之门外,他们在5G市场之外至少要徘徊两到三年。显然,当地政府正在考虑如何做出选择。”






curio66 hours ago

Thanks to US, Huawei is now a very recognizable brand....the amount of free publicity that was generated. I intend to trade in my Iphone for Huawei's latest model...:)


zho4 hours ago

China doesn't ban Nokia and Ericsson to protect Huawei and ZTE. let the market decide who wins.


S10 hours ago

Obviously, if use Huawei's equipment, it would be harder for the US to spy on other countries.


HCL5 hours ago

There's a "potential" risk with Huawei BUT a certainty of spying from the US.


Anonymous9 hours ago

They make the best phones by far and we only ban the flagship devices for less competition


DAVID5 hours ago

Anyone could have seen this coming. The US is envious of China's technological advances in telecommunications equipment.


Chuck5 hours ago

It is the common practice for the US to interfere the other Government's business. They use Huawei equipment is none of the US business.


DZ3 hours ago

Huawei's products might be a "potential" risk whereas products from US companies are a proven and substantive risk.


Donald6 hours ago

innovation, product quality and competitive pricing, that's how Huawei can survive Trump administration's politically motivated character assassination.


Mockingjay3 hours ago

Looks like American hegemony in all things is starting to wear thin. AFT! We going to sanction the folks buying Huawei now?


Rex6 hours ago

China ain't no Syria or Iraq and Asia ain't no middle east guys.


Lisa6 hours ago

Nobody believes America anymore.


44 minutes ago

CHINA OWNS the FUTURE because Trump is taking AMERICA back to the PAST!


mike5 hours ago

The United States economic blackmail routine is not working. China made it clear they will not bow down the the United States.


ScottM6 hours ago

Maybe the U.S. could steal their technology and make a copy of their system for the U.S. After all that is fair play in the world today. They do it to us all the time.


Dan10 hours ago

I have worked in American companies for over 30 years, during which time I have worked with dozens of Chinese engineers. Nobody ever said a word about spying. Now that China is catching up to the US, and in some cases passing us, now you say they are spies. What a bunch of hypocrites you people are.


hmm_duck_yi4 hours ago

It will take 2 years to get into where Huawei 5G is now aka people won't be getting real 5G until 2021.


Tough10 hours ago

With Trump stepping on everyone, no one will listen to us.


Georges C.10 hours ago

For what the USA do to the rest of the world it serves them right.


santani10 hours ago

So what: We have 6G.

那又怎样, 我们有6G。

NCAA3 hours ago

OK, the US is the Number #1 consumer market in the world without a doubt and clearly way ahead than everyone else. Are they wining contracts here?


JP4 hours ago

If there is a fair competition, not banned by US and its allies, Huawei could take far more than this number.....


Barack Hussein Obama Is A Jack Off2 hours ago

The people that still cannot even build a high tech jet engine are going to build your 5G network? What could go wrong?


American30 minutes ago

Looks like US is losing sphere of influence.


andrew2 hours ago

As long as its cheap right guys?


