歐美在線英語 026 Over in the Meadow

歐美在線英語 026 Over in the Meadow

Over in the meadow, 草叢之中

In the sand in the sun, 太陽下的沙地裡,

Lived an old mother turtle 住著一隻年長的烏龜媽媽。

And her little turtle one. 還有她的孩子

“Dig,” said the mother. “挖吧”,媽媽上。

“I dig,” said the one. “我們挖”, 孩子說。

So they dug all day 然後他們一直挖著挖著。

歐美在線英語 026 Over in the Meadow

In the sand in the sun.

Over in the meadow, 在太陽下草叢的一邊。

Where the stream runs blue, 小溪變藍的地方。

Lived an old mother fish 住著一條年長的魚媽媽。

and her little fishes two. 還有她的兩條小魚孩子

“Swim,” said the mother. “遊吧”媽媽說。

“We swim,” said the two. “我們遊起來”

So they swam all day 所以他們整天遊啊遊

歐美在線英語 026 Over in the Meadow

Where the stream runs blue. 在小溪變藍的地方

Over in the meadow,

In the wide oak tree, 有一顆寬廣的橡樹,

Lived an old mother owl 住著一隻貓頭鷹,

And her little owls three. 還有她的三個孩子

“Whoo,” said the mother. 嗚, 媽媽叫到。

“Whoo, Whoo” said the three. 嗚,嗚, 孩子們也跟著叫。

So they whooed all night

In the wide oak tree. 他們在橡樹上叫了整個晚上。

歐美在線英語 026 Over in the Meadow

