欧美在线英语 026 Over in the Meadow

欧美在线英语 026 Over in the Meadow

Over in the meadow, 草丛之中

In the sand in the sun, 太阳下的沙地里,

Lived an old mother turtle 住着一只年长的乌龟妈妈。

And her little turtle one. 还有她的孩子

“Dig,” said the mother. “挖吧”,妈妈上。

“I dig,” said the one. “我们挖”, 孩子说。

So they dug all day 然后他们一直挖着挖着。

欧美在线英语 026 Over in the Meadow

In the sand in the sun.

Over in the meadow, 在太阳下草丛的一边。

Where the stream runs blue, 小溪变蓝的地方。

Lived an old mother fish 住着一条年长的鱼妈妈。

and her little fishes two. 还有她的两条小鱼孩子

“Swim,” said the mother. “游吧”妈妈说。

“We swim,” said the two. “我们游起来”

So they swam all day 所以他们整天游啊游

欧美在线英语 026 Over in the Meadow

Where the stream runs blue. 在小溪变蓝的地方

Over in the meadow,

In the wide oak tree, 有一颗宽广的橡树,

Lived an old mother owl 住着一只猫头鹰,

And her little owls three. 还有她的三个孩子

“Whoo,” said the mother. 呜, 妈妈叫到。

“Whoo, Whoo” said the three. 呜,呜, 孩子们也跟着叫。

So they whooed all night

In the wide oak tree. 他们在橡树上叫了整个晚上。

欧美在线英语 026 Over in the Meadow

