


I. Introduction to the artist

Lan Li, born into a literati family in Chongqing in 1945, had to drop out of school at the age of twelve, when his father was purged from leadership post during the Anti-Rightists Movement in 1957. In the same year he came across a book entitled The Art of Animal Drawing by Ken Hultgren, an American painter, and was thoroughly enthralled by it. He bought it with the precious money which he had saved up by carrying iron ores over his tender shoulders along the Jialing River, thus embarking on a life long journey in the artistic world ever since. In 1962 one of his paintings was shortlisted and displayed at a national art exhibition and was recommended for an international cultural exchange event.

Since the beginning of 1980s, Lan Li has gradually worked his way up and became a member of such organizations as Writers Association, Artists Association, Musicians Association and Literary Critics Association in Hubei province through his outstanding achievements in writing, painting, musical composition & literary review works.

Currently Lan Li is still active in the artistic circles, where he holds such positions as Dean of Academy of Contemporary Chinese Literati Painting and Calligraphy with Sun Meilan & Li Xianting as consultants; Executive Director of Chinese Art Research Committee under Ministry of Culture; Executive Vice Chairman and Director of Painting Committee of American & Asian Arts Society.


1、大寫意水墨 石虎

宣紙,2011 年,200x100cm。2014年中法建交50周年,入選法國美術家協會主辦"盧浮宮國際美術大展.藍犁水墨藝術個展"及大型畫集。 藍犁畫虎有五個系列:英雄虎;水中虎;石虎;籠中虎;楚虎。本畫題款:"石虎。世界之虎瀕臨絕跡,人類之貪婪可見一斑。活虎不得而見,畫畫石虎、化石虎,留其 尊容,聊解他日思念之苦。"立意為,處理好人與動 物、與自然環境的關係,是人類開發與發展之前提!此圖畫面浩渺壯闊,虎雖仙逝,雄風依舊!枯溼濃淡之水中三虎,漸次化為石虎,與 遠處的化石虎,神情流露出對故土的眷戀, 對人類的哀嘆!畫家充分發揮其文史哲、美舞音的優勢,以此畫對世界大範圍無序開發、瘋狂索取,發出預警!

II. Introduction to some of his works

1. The Fossil Tigers.

Size:200cm x 100cm

Style:Impressionistic ink-washing painting on rice paper

Finished in 2011 and chosen to display on the International Exhibition 2014 held at the Louvre, an event organized by the Société nationale des beaux-arts (SNBA) of France in celebration of the 5oth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the Fossil Tigers has won wide public acclaim.

The painter is famous for his series of works on tiger: hero tigers, fossil tigers, tigers in water, tigers in cage and tigers in CHU , which was in the middle of China and where an ancient kingdom ever existed from 11 Century BC to 3 Century BC.On the painting the painter wrote:vampire behavior of greedy human beings is leading up to dire prospect of the species being at the brink of extinction.Nowadays it has few opportunities to see a living tiger that I have to paint some stone tigers to remind me of their existence. The message sent by the painter is that rational human development and advancement should be based on a good rapport between human beings and animals and that between human beings and natural environment. It is such a lament for us to witness that the three tigers became fossilized with longing for their lost habitat and had to be engulfed in the ocean as fossil in the end. The painting implies the painter's warning to the human beings.

2、大寫意彩墨人體 蘭花女會


2. Female bodies embedded in orchid petals


Style:Impressionistic Chinese color painting on rice paper

Finished in 2012, this painting was chosen to display on the International Exhibition 2014 held at the Louvre, an event organized by the Société nationale des beaux-arts (SNBA) of France in celebration of the 5oth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. The painter has deep love for three themes: female bodies, animals and orchids. This painting is composed by two colors,blue and white. Two female bodies are embedded in numerous orchid petals and three female bodies are roughed out with the skill of leaving blank. The five soft and graceful female bodies are naturally connected by orchid petals which is a carol to truth, kindness and beauty. There is a seal of Qing Dynasty in circle shape saying 'Wicked women really make men worse or even guilty'. This painting implies the risks of being promiscuous in sex relations.

3、大寫意彩墨人體 時尚麗人


3. Fashion beauty


Style:Impressionistic Chinese color painting on rice paper

Finished in 2012, this painting was chosen to display on the International Exhibition 2014 held at the Louvre, an event organized by the Société nationale des beaux-arts (SNBA) of France in celebration of the 5oth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. This painting was created for an international fashion festival. The composition of ink blocks and diffused flowers embodies the excellent decorative effect of Chinese traditional wash painting. The black bear hair and white sexy bottoms and legs were intentionally painted together in a picture to produce strong visual contrast. The elegant orchids are compatible with pretty bunny girls, showing the complementary integration of the beautiful female bodies and the noble character of orchids.






