


allow vt."允許、准許",含有“不阻止、不反對”的意思,側重“聽任、默許”,含有消極的不反對的意思。

Mr.Hornsnagle,an American news reporter,asked the ruler of Yap Yap whether free speech was allowed under his rule.

Allow me to introduce them to you.

Smoking is not allowed here.

permit vt.&vi.“許可、容許”,可與allow通用,但含有積極的從正面給予允許的意思。比allow正式,且語氣較強。

"Mr.Crossett,"said my father ,"Will you permit an old pupil to shake hands with you?"

let vt."讓、允許",意思與allow和permit相同,但比較口語化,它的賓語後必須連用不帶to的動詞原形,同時它不能用於被動語態。

I will let you choose how you're going to die.

promise v.&n."答應、允諾"表示主語自己保證或允許要做什麼,而不是允許別人做什麼。

During the third hundred years,I promised that if anyone came to set me free,I would make him king over the earth.

I do not want you simply to promise me with words that you will be good but I want you to show me with your heart that here we are all part of one big family.


