英文閱讀學習聖經新約馬太福音摘抄《The Narrow Gate》

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.

你們要進窄門。因為引到滅亡,那門是寬的,路是大的,進去的人也多。 (Matthew 7:13)

英文閱讀學習聖經新約馬太福音摘抄《The Narrow Gate》

But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

引到永生,那門是窄的,路是小的,找著的人也少。 (Matthew 7:14)

英文閱讀學習聖經新約馬太福音摘抄《The Narrow Gate》

