同舟共濟戰疫情 戮力同心創未來——A Letter to Everyone in Shaoguan

同舟共濟戰疫情 戮力同心創未來——A Letter to Everyone in Shaoguan
同舟共濟戰疫情 戮力同心創未來——A Letter to Everyone in Shaoguan

















同舟共濟戰疫情 戮力同心創未來——A Letter to Everyone in Shaoguan

Together We Shall Beat COVID-19

Together We Shall Build a Bright Future

- A Letter to Everyone in Shaoguan

Dear Chinese and foreign nationals in Shaoguan:

As an excellent-class tour city in China, a city of historical and cultural significance in Guangdong, Shaoguan has a long history of being an open and inclusive city. People from different countries and regions, different cultures, of different colours, with different religious beliefs have settled in Shaoguan for entrepreneurship or residence, living in harmony with each other.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Shaoguan has been implementing the strategic decisions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, and adhering to the requirements of Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and Guangdong Provincial People’s Government with firm resolve. Taking the safety and health of everyone in Shaoguan as our top priority, we have tried our best to ensure effective and orderly implementation of COVID-19 prevention and control measures based on science and law. Through unremitting endeavour made by everyone in Shaoguan, the COVID-19 outbreak in the city has witnessed positive developments. During this process, we have received tremendous support from sister provinces and municipalities, companies and organizations based in Shaoguan, municipal governments of overseas countries, civil organizations and people working on facilitating constructive bilateral relations, which has further strengthened our confidence and determination to overcome the pandemic.

At present, the entire landscape of epidemic prevention and control remains challenging and complex, and we are still faced with great pressure of guarding against imported cases and domestic resurgence. For the safety and health of Chinese and foreign nationals in Shaoguan, it is necessary for us to join hands in building stronger defense against COVID-19. Virus does not respect borders, nor does it distinguish between races. People of the world must work together if we want to win this battle. Hence, we would like to state the following:

A. Shaoguan Municipal People’s Government has taken comprehensive, strict and thorough prevention and control measures, and have strictly applied undifferentiated health management service to both Chinese and foreign nationals in Shaoguan in accordance with laws and regulations. All foreign nationals in China are treated equally.

B. Humanistic care is provided when implementing epidemic prevention and control measures and offering health management service. We give full consideration to reasonable concerns of Chinese and foreign nationals and provide necessary guarantee and assistance to effectively protect their legitimate rights and interests.

C. All Chinese and foreign nationals in Shaoguan are obliged to cooperate with governments at all levels and relevant departments to implement prevention and control measures according to Chinese laws and regulations. Those who violate the laws or regulations shall be held accountable.

D. We firmly oppose any discriminatory practice against specific individual or group, and allow zero tolerance for discriminatory remarks and deeds.

E. Any organization or individual shall not restrict or refuse providing hotel accommodation and renting houses to any specific group of people because of their nationality, race, gender or skin colour. Nor should they be denied free access to such public venues as local communities, shops and parks.

F. Any organization or individual shall not restrict or turn away any specific group of people from taking metro, buses, taxis or other public transportation because of their nationality, race, gender or skin colour, and shall not refuse to provide daily services including hair cutting, shopping and catering for them.

G. Any organization or individual shall not apply differentiated treatment or discriminatory practices to any specific group of people because of their nationality, race, gender or skin colour when they are seeking medical care in medical institutions.

H.Shaoguan Municipal People’s Government respect and protect the diplomatic and consular privileges and immunities of foreign diplomatic or consular personnel in China, and provide facilitation for them in fulfilling diplomatic and consular duties.

I.In this special period of time, we encourage all Chinese and foreign nationals in Shaoguan to obtain the latest information concerning epidemic prevention and control from authoritative sources, and to maintain a rational and objective attitude.

J.We provide assistance for foreign nationals in Shaoguan who have any reasonable request concerning epidemic prevention and control. Our English service hotline 0751-8891990 is 24-hour available.

We look forward to working with all Chinese and foreign nationals in Shaoguan to tide over the difficulties, safeguard the common health and well-being of all, to win the battle against COVID-19, and protect our beautiful homeland.

Shaoguan Foreign Affairs Bureau

April 23, 2020

來源 | 韶關外事

同舟共濟戰疫情 戮力同心創未來——A Letter to Everyone in Shaoguan

