“有很多事情要做”還在說a lot to do?試試這個表達,瞬間不一樣

早上上班的時候,Roc看到Sara愁眉不展,便問她怎麼了,結果Sara說I have too much on my plate.這更是讓Roc摸不著頭腦了…

Roc: Good morning, honey.


Sara: Hey.


Roc: What’s the matter? You look unhappy.


Sara: I have too much on my plate. I can’t make it.


Roc: What? What are on your plate? You can’t do what? I don’t understand.


Sara: Oh, Roc! I mean I have a lot of work to do. I have to finish the report, have a meeting and making a training plan. I can’t make it!


Roc: I see. You should learn the time management.


Sara: Yeah, I know. But do I have time!


