



①It is a quarter to eight now.


②It is midnight. 現在是午夜。

③It is time for breakfast.


④-What is the date today?今天幾月幾號?

--It is December 3rd. 十二月三號。

⑤--What season is it?現在是什麼季節?

--It is summer. 夏季。

⑥--What is the weather like today?


--It is fine.天氣很好。

--It is foggy and wet.天氣多霧又潮溼。

⑧How far is it from the bus station to your home? 從汽車站到你們家有多遠?

⑨It is around five miles to the shopping center.從這兒到購物中心大約有五英里。




①--What is this?這是什麼?

--It is a computer.這是一臺計算機。

②--What is that?那是什麼?

--It is a map.那是一張地圖。

③--Where is the dog?狗在哪兒?

--It is lying under the tree.它在樹下面躺著呢。

④--Where is the post office?郵局在哪兒?

--It is near the hospital 在小醫院附近。

⑤--Who is that man?那個人是誰?

--It is my brother.是我哥哥。

⑥He tried to get rid of smoking,but it was impossible.他嘗試著戒菸,但那是不可能的。

⑦If you exercise every day ,it will keep you well and strong.如果你每天鍛鍊,你就會變得健康。


為了避免將句中作真主語的不定式、動名詞和名詞子句置於句首造成頭重腳輕,習慣上it可作為形式主語置於句首,指代後面的真正主語,使句子顯得流暢。it 作形式主語的句型有:





It is wise to understand each other

=To understand each other is wise.



①It is necessary to have a good sleep before the test for us.

= To have a good sleep before the test for us is necessary.


②It is wrong to do so.=To do so is wrong.


③It is a bad habit to eat junk food.

= To eat junk food is a bad habit.


④It took us 12 years to complete the project.

= To complete the project took us 12 years.完成這項工程花費了我們十二年的時間。

2.與不定式不同,動詞-ing作主語時一般置於句子開端;置於句尾時則常將動詞-ing改成不定式。因此用it代替動詞-ing作形式主語的句子較少,主要用在以no use,useless, not any use, not much use, not any good, not much good, no good, no help, dangerous,senseless, worth ,while ,a waste 等詞作主語補足語的句子中。例如:

①It is no use arguing with the people who won't see reason.和不講理的人爭論是無用處的。

②Is it any good( any use ) making such a decision?做這樣一個結論有用嗎?

③It is dangerous playing with fire. 玩火是危險的。

④It is worth reading the book.



①It was clear that he had desire for peace.

= That he had desire for peace was clear.


②It was reported that the new president had been elected.

= Thatthe new president had been elected was reported.


③It is a pity that her sister cannot go shopping with us.

= That her sister cannot go skating with us is a pity.


五、It +名詞性從句的結構一般可歸為六類。


①It is strange/ obvious natural good/ possible/ funny/ surprising/usual +that從句。例如:

②It is strange that nobody knows where he lives.奇怪的是,誰也不知道他住在哪裡。

2.It +be動詞+名詞+that從句

It is a fact/ an honor/a good thing/ good news/a pity + that從句。例如:

It is a pity that you didn't come.


3. It was said/reported/ announced/ expected/ decided + that從句。例如:

①It's said that he has performed many miracles.據說他創造了許多奇蹟。

②It was reported that muscle diseases were increasing rapidly.


4.It seems/happened/ turned out/occurred to me + that !從句。例如:

It seems that my teacher knows a lot about this.我的老師對這件事知道的似乎很多。

5. It is doubtful/a question/ uncertain/a mystery+連接代詞或連接副詞引導的子句。例如:

It is a question whether she would play the part. 她是否能扮演這個角色還是個問題。

6. It doesn't matter/ doesn't make too much difference +連接代詞或連接副詞引導的子句。例如:

It doesn't matter whatever you do.



句子結構:It+be動詞+被強調的成分+子句。It此時是沒有實意的虛詞,它的作用是強調放在主語補語位置的某個句子成分。當強調部分指人時,可用who( whom)/that,其他情況下多用that,不能用which。


①It was his brother who/ that broke the cup.是他的哥哥打碎了杯子。

②It was two pupils who/ that helped the blind man cross the street.是兩個學生幫助這個盲人過馬路。

③It is the people who/ that are really powerful.人民是真正有力量的。

④It is Professor Smith who/ that teaches us chemistry every Monday afternoon.是史密斯教授每週一下午教我們化學。


(1 )強調直接賓語。例如:

①It is chemistry that Professor Smith teaches us every Monday af-ternoon.史密斯教授每星期一下午是給我們講化學。

②It was a New Year card that he sent his classmate.他寄給他同學的是張新年卡片。


①It was his classmate whom/ that he sent a New Year card to.他將新年卡片寄給他的同學。

②It was the guard whom/that he showed the pass to.他將通行證出示給警衛。

③It is us whom/that Mr Li teaches chemistry every Monday afternoon.李老師每週下午給我們教化學。



①It is every Monday afternoon that Mr Li teaches us Maths.李老師給我們講數學課是在每星期一下午 。

②It was not until Saturday that he began to prepare the examination.他直到星期六才開始準備考試。


①It might have been on the bus that I lost my purse.


②It was before the fireplace that the old woman was sitting.



①It was white that my aunt painted her bedroom.


②It was captain that the team chose him.


③It was wrong that we considered him.


④It is a fine player that we believe Jane.



It is Little Tiger that he is called.


七、It用在一些習語中作 主語

It cannot be helped.沒有辦法。

It is hard to say.很難說。

It comes to nothing.沒有什麼結果.


①She is very stubborn though she does not look like it.


②When he found what the world needed, Edison went ahead and tried to invent it.


③You'd better have a try and you will find it quite interesting.你最好嘗試一下,就會發現這很有趣。



①Mike found it interesting to read the book A Tale of Two Cities.


②She made it her business to take care of her younger sister after her mother died.



①He thinks it sheer waste of time arguing with a madman.他認為和一個瘋子爭論純粹是浪費時間。

②Don't you think it wrong wasting your time? 你不認為浪費時間是錯誤的嗎?


We should make it clear to the public that we are doing an im-portant job.


I considered it true that he was ill.




1. Was it in 1969()the American astronauts succeeded()landing on the moon ?

A. when ;on

B. that;on ,a

C. when;in

D. that;in

2.()in the park tomorrow.

A. It will lovely

B. It will be lovely

C. There will be

D. There will

3. In fact,()is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.

A. this B. that C. there D. it

4. How much does( )to rent a car?

A. it costs B. costs C. it D. it cost

5. What a mistake( ) to come here!

A. it B.is,era C. is it D. it is

6.( )easy thing to master a skill.

A.It is not a

B.It not is a

C.It is not an

D. It not is an

7.( )that Miss Smith knows a lot about history.

A. It seemed

B. It seems

c. It is seemed

D. It was

8.()too much difference who is in charge of the supermarket.

A. It doesn't make

B. It is make

c. It doesn't made

D. It is made

9. It( )in the morning , but now it has cleared up.

A. is cloudy

B. was cloudy

c. was cloud

D. is cloud

10. I hate()when people talk with their mouths full.

A. it B. that C. these D. them

11. It()when the new road will be opened to traffic.

A. is made clear

B. had be

c. made clear

D. was made clear

12.()to Mr. Jackson how he became a writer.

A. It has mystery

B. It is mystery

c. It has a mystery

D. It is a mystery

13. People()that the earth is center of the universe many

years ago.

A. took this for granted

B. took it for granted

c. took that for granted

D. took its for granted

14. It looks as if( )going to rain.

A. it were

B. there is

с. it is

D. there are

15.()whether he will visit that country.

A. It is not decided

B. It decided not

с. It not decided

D. It was not decided

16. It ’s that he has retired.

A. is appeared

B. appearing

C. was appeared

D. appears

17. --Wasn't it Dr. Want who spoke to you just now?

--( ).

A. I didn't know he was

в. Yes, it was

с. No , he wasn't

D. Yes ,he did

18.( )a long time since he last visited his hometown.

A.It is

в. It was

с. They are

D. They have

19.( )to use our time wisely.

A. We are good

в. It is important for us

с. We are important

D. It is important to us

20.( )going shopping on Sundays.

A. It is pleasure

в. It is a pleasant

C.It is a great pleasure

D. It is a great pleasant.


1 ~ 5. DBDDD

6~ 10. CВABA

11 ~ 15. ADBCA

16 ~ 20. DBABC


