
Python為開發GUI(圖形用戶界面)提供了多種選項。在所有的GUI方法中,tkinter是最常用的方法。它是Python附帶的Tk GUI工具包的標準Python接口。Python with tkinter輸出創建GUI應用程序的最快和最簡單的方法。使用tkinter創建GUI是一項簡單的任務。






讓我們使用Python Tkinter模塊創建一個基於GUI的簡單計算器,該計算器可以執行基本的算術運算加,減,乘和除運算。


<code># Python program to  create a simple GUI  
# calculator using Tkinter 
# import everything from tkinter module 
from tkinter import *
# globally declare the expression variable 
expression = "" 
# Function to update expressiom 
# in the text entry box 
def press(num): 
    # point out the global expression variable 
    global expression 
    # concatenation of string 
    expression = expression + str(num) 
    # update the expression by using set method 
# Function to evaluate the final expression 
def equalpress(): 
    # Try and except statement is used 
    # for handling the errors like zero 
    # division error etc. 
    # Put that code inside the try block 
    # which may generate the error 
        global expression 
        # eval function evaluate the expression 
        # and str function convert the result 
        # into string 
        total = str(eval(expression)) 
        # initialze the expression variable 
        # by empty string 
        expression = "" 
    # if error is generate then handle 
    # by the except block 
        equation.set(" error ") 
        expression = "" 
# Function to clear the contents 
# of text entry box 
def clear(): 
    global expression 
    expression = "" 
# Driver code 
if __name__ == "__main__": 
    # create a GUI window 
    gui = Tk() 
    # set the background colour of GUI window 
    gui.configure(background="light green") 
    # set the title of GUI window 
    gui.title("Simple Calculator") 
    # set the configuration of GUI window 
    # StringVar() is the variable class 
    # we create an instance of this class 
    equation = StringVar() 
    # create the text entry box for 
    # showing the expression . 
    expression_field = Entry(gui, textvariable=equation) 
    # grid method is used for placing 
    # the widgets at respective positions 
    # in table like structure . 
    expression_field.grid(columnspan=4, ipadx=70) 
    equation.set('enter your expression') 
    # create a Buttons and place at a particular 
    # location inside the root window . 
    # when user press the button, the command or 
    # function affiliated to that button is executed . 
    button1 = Button(gui, text=' 1 ', fg='black', bg='red', 
                     command=lambda: press(1), height=1, width=7) 
    button1.grid(row=2, column=0) 
    button2 = Button(gui, text=' 2 ', fg='black', bg='red', 
                     command=lambda: press(2), height=1, width=7) 
    button2.grid(row=2, column=1) 
    button3 = Button(gui, text=' 3 ', fg='black', bg='red', 
                     command=lambda: press(3), height=1, width=7) 
    button3.grid(row=2, column=2) 
    button4 = Button(gui, text=' 4 ', fg='black', bg='red', 
                     command=lambda: press(4), height=1, width=7) 
    button4.grid(row=3, column=0) 
    button5 = Button(gui, text=' 5 ', fg='black', bg='red', 
                     command=lambda: press(5), height=1, width=7) 
    button5.grid(row=3, column=1) 
    button6 = Button(gui, text=' 6 ', fg='black', bg='red', 
                     command=lambda: press(6), height=1, width=7) 
    button6.grid(row=3, column=2) 
    button7 = Button(gui, text=' 7 ', fg='black', bg='red', 
                     command=lambda: press(7), height=1, width=7) 
    button7.grid(row=4, column=0) 
    button8 = Button(gui, text=' 8 ', fg='black', bg='red', 
                     command=lambda: press(8), height=1, width=7) 
    button8.grid(row=4, column=1) 
    button9 = Button(gui, text=' 9 ', fg='black', bg='red', 
                     command=lambda: press(9), height=1, width=7) 
    button9.grid(row=4, column=2) 
    button0 = Button(gui, text=' 0 ', fg='black', bg='red', 
                     command=lambda: press(0), height=1, width=7) 
    button0.grid(row=5, column=0) 
    plus = Button(gui, text=' + ', fg='black', bg='red', 
                  command=lambda: press("+"), height=1, width=7) 
    plus.grid(row=2, column=3) 
    minus = Button(gui, text=' - ', fg='black', bg='red', 
                   command=lambda: press("-"), height=1, width=7) 
    minus.grid(row=3, column=3) 
    multiply = Button(gui, text=' * ', fg='black', bg='red', 
                      command=lambda: press("*"), height=1, width=7) 
    multiply.grid(row=4, column=3) 
    divide = Button(gui, text=' / ', fg='black', bg='red', 
                    command=lambda: press("/"), height=1, width=7) 
    divide.grid(row=5, column=3) 
    equal = Button(gui, text=' = ', fg='black', bg='red', 
                   command=equalpress, height=1, width=7) 
    equal.grid(row=5, column=2) 
    clear = Button(gui, text='Clear', fg='black', bg='red', 
                   command=clear, height=1, width=7) 
    clear.grid(row=5, column='1') 
    # start the GUI 
    gui.mainloop() /<code>



