
How to Pack an Emergency Go Bag for Home Evacuations




1)Natural disasters like hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, floods, mudslides, wildfires, and even volcano eruptions seem to be happening more often all around the world.


hurricane: 英 [ˈhʌrɪkən] 美 [ˈhɜːrəkeɪn] a violent storm with very strong winds, especially in the western Atlantic Ocean(尤指西大西洋的)飓风

tsunami: [tsuːˈnɑːmi] (from Japanese) an extremely large wave in the sea caused, for example, by an earthquake (源自日语)因地震而引起的海啸;海震

tornado: [tɔːˈneɪdəʊ] 美 [tɔːrˈneɪdoʊ] a violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circle. There is often also a long cloud which is narrower at the bottom than the top.龙卷风;旋风

mudslide: [ˈmʌdslaɪd] a large amount of mud sliding down a mountain, often destroying buildings and injuring or killing people below 泥石流 (常常毁坏建筑物、让山下的人受伤或丧命)

2)In the United States, 80 percent live in an area that's been affected during the past decade.


3)Fortunately, technology has evolved to help scientists predict disasters earlier and give those living in affected areas more advanced warning than in years past.


4)If a natural disaster is looming, every household should have an emergency go bag or bug out bag ready for each family member should the authorities or common sense call for the need to evacuate. Taking even a few minutes to look for medications or documents can cost a life. Even if you hope to "ride out" the danger with a store of supplies, packing an easy-to-carry bag with essentials will prove helpful in the aftermath.


loom: to appear important or threatening and likely to happen soon 显得突出;逼近

household: all the people living together in a house 一家人;家庭;同住一所房子的人

bug out: 撤退

ride out: If someone rides out a storm or a crisis, they manage to survive a difficult period without suffering serious harm. 安然度过,挺过(风暴或危机)

aftermath: the situation that exists as a result of an important (and usually unpleasant) event, especially a war, an accident, etc.(战争、事故、不快事情的)后果,创伤

5) While protecting our homes and businesses from disaster is important, protecting human lives is absolutely crucial. But when disaster strikes, each of us should take every measure possible to be prepared for life after the crises is over.


Choosing a Go Bag 挑选一个逃生包

6) An emergency go bag should be lightweight enough for the adult or child to easily carry it, but large enough to hold essential items needed for up to three days.


7) A backpack is a good choice because it leaves your hands free to hold onto other items, but a small suitcase with wheels can also work. Remember, you may be running with your bag.


8) Place the bag near an exit with your purse or wallet, phone, and car and home keys.


Start With the Essentials When Packing

9) A go bag doesn't need to have all of the things you would normally keep in a home preparedness kit like gallons of bottled water, canned or dried foods, candles, and blankets.


kit: A kit is a group of items that are kept together, often in the same container, because they are all used for similar purposes. 成套工具;成套设备

10) Hopefully, the evacuation shelter will be able to supply those items. The go bag should have essentials that may not be readily available for you.


Medications 药物

11) Pack at least three days of each type of medication you must take in the original prescription bottles. This will save countless hours if you need to refill them later. If you use supplemental oxygen, invest in a portable tank, if possible, to have on hand.


Personal Items 个人物品

Pack an extra pair of glasses or plenty of contact lens. Ideally, include a small first aid kit, sanitary hand wipes, a multi-functional tool with a can opener and small knife, and a comfort item for each child.


Electronics 电子产品

While you may not land in a spot with electricity, be sure to pack at least one phone charger and any extra battery packs. An LED flashlight or headlamp will be welcomed and purchase a radio that can be charged by hand-cranking. A metal whistle may also prove invaluable in finding you if your cell phone dies.


land in: If you land in an unpleasant situation or place or if something lands you in it, something causes you to be in it.(使)落入;(使)陷于

Clothing 衣物

Aim for clothing that is lightweight and can be worn in layers. For babies, pack extra diapers and warm clothes. Select shoes that are waterproof, if possible.


Food and Water 食物和水

You won't be able to carry a lot of supplies but be sure every bag has a bottle or two of water. Water filtration straws in each bag will ensure potable water. Add some staples like granola bars or dried fruit that are lightweight but will boost drained energy. For babies, include premixed formula, baby food, and extra bottles.


granola:英 [ɡrəˈnəʊlə] [U] (especially NAmE) a type of breakfast cereal made of grains, nuts, etc. that have been toasted 格兰诺拉麦片(用烘烤过的谷类、坚果等配制成的早餐食品)

Paperwork 纸质文件

Whether you choose to bring along the original documents or photocopies of important papers, place them in a sealed, waterproof bag within the go bag.


Even if you have scanned the documents onto a flash drive, paper copies should be in the bag because there may not be electricity available to use an electronic device.


Have these documents available for every member of the household: 确保每个家庭成员都带着这些文件:

  • Birth certificate 出生证
  • Passport 护照
  • Social security card 社保卡
  • List of emergency contact information 紧急联系人信息清单
  • Current family photograph with contact information in case members get separated 带有联系方式的家里人的照片,以防家人失散
  • Health insurance or medicare cards 人寿险或医保卡
  • Medical and immunization records 就医和免疫接种记录
  • Driver's license 驾照
  • Marriage, adoption, citizenship certificates 结婚证、领养文件、公民卡
  • Home deed 房契
  • Insurance policies on home and auto 房屋险和车险保险单
  • Credit card and banking information 信用卡和银行信息
  • Power of attorney and will 委托书和遗嘱
  • Pet records 养狗(宠物)证

Valuables 贵重物品

Long before the need arises, go around your home and take digital photos of valuable items like art and antiques and create an electronic record that can be stored in the cloud or on a flash drive in a waterproof container in your go bag. Also, keep some cash in small bills and change in your go bag.


Pets 宠物

Pet go bags should have a leash, dry food, water, and a lightweight carrier.


leash:A dog's leash is a long thin piece of leather or a chain, which you attach to the dog's collar so that you can keep the dog under control.(牵狗的)皮带,链条

The Best Way to Maintain a Go Bag 保养紧急逃生包的最佳方式

To be truly prepared, you should have an emergency go bag ready year-round. Check it every six months to rotate food and water supplies, refresh medications, update documents, and, especially for children, make sure clothing still fits.



