英語單詞 Scottish/ Scots /Scotch/ Scot辨析

英語單詞  Scottish/ Scots /Scotch/ Scot辨析

英語單詞 Scottish/ Scots /Scotch/ Scot辨析

The adjetive Sottish is the most general word used to describe the people and things of Scotland, while Scots is only used to describe is people, its law and especially its language.形容詞Scottish為含義最廣的用語,指蘇格蘭人和物,而Scots僅指蘇格蘭人、蘇格蘭法律,尤指蘇格蘭英語: Scottish dancing蘇格蘭舞蹈。the newScottish parliament蘇格蘭新議會well-knownScots poet著名的蘇格蘭詩人。a slight Scots accent輕微的蘇格蘭口音

The adjective Scotch is now mainly used in fixed expressions such as Scotch whisky and Scotch broth and sounds old-fashioned or insulting if it is used in any other way.形容詞Scotch現主要用於某些固定短語中,如Scotch whisky(蘇格蘭威土忌)和Scotch broth (蘇格蘭濃湯), 用於其他地方則顯得有點過時或帶有侮辱性。

The noun Scotch means whisky, and the noun Scots refers to a language spoken in Scotiand.closely related to English. A person who comesfrom Scolland is a Scot名詞Scotch指蘇格當威士忌,而名詞Scots指與英語密切相關的蘇格蘭英語。蘇格蘭人用Scot表示:The Scots won their match against England蘇格蘭人在與英格蘭人的比賽中獲勝。


