



應對套路1:Creative Ideas-拒絕慣性思維答案

e.g.1)which part of your home do you like most ?e.g. bedroom (pass)-privacy;bed;(pass)

換成答案:kitchen-cuisine//bathroom- mini music studio; rubber duck; tub- bubble duck;

e.g.2)What do you plan to do after you finish your studies(完成學業後)?

work (pass)

換成答案:travel// take a gap year // Well, honestly, i plan to get married with my girlfriend,who has been my university classmate for 4 years,you know we have been dating with each other for....

e.g. 3) which part of communication on line do you dislike?


應對套路2:day to day actions 日常行為活動考察頻度詞

e.g. 1) what do you like to do in your free time?

Reading 因為……




From time to time


Well, to be honest, frequently, I am really into watching movies in he cinema, you know, the action movie. from time to time, I also prefer to go shopping with my friends. I mean, it's the best way for me to release my pressures. Occasionally, I even play cyber games with classmates for example, the LOL is so popular....

e.g. 2) which room does your family spend most of the time in?

Well, definitely it should be the living room, you know, frequently, we are really into watching TV together. For example, the entertainment TV show... from time to time, we also prefer to chat with each other. I mean, i'd like to talk with my father about my studies and communicate with my mom about my ... occasionally, we even play card, actually, it's our way to determine who do the chores.