
很多同學都非常懼怕“動物”“寵物”的題目。不怕!帥哥教大家回答一道出現頻率超高的雅思口語題目:Why do people keep pets? 大家來好好跟著學習一下詞彙句型和邏輯,對雅思口語高分提升會有很大幫助的。


Why do people keep pets?


Well, people keep pets for various reasons and the first one I can think of is that, um, perhaps it’s just because they feel lonely. Maybe their family members live and work in different cities and they don’t get to see them on a regular basis. Having a pet to keep them company can help them drive away the loneliness to some extent. Well of course, there are tons of people who are naturally drawn to animals, to adorable puppies and kittens, and even turtles and snakes. There are weird people out there, right? To them, they keep pets simply because of their affection for them. Plain and simple.


get to do sth 得以、能夠…

on a regular basis 經常、定期

keep sb company 陪伴某人

drive away the loneliness 驅走孤獨

to some extent 在一定程度上

tons of 很多

adorable 可愛的

puppy 小狗

kitten 小貓

weird 奇怪的

affection for … 對…的喜愛

plain and simple 簡單明瞭
