
1. 一箇中國政策One-China policy

2. 坦率、深入地交換看法a candid and in-depth exchange of views

3. 民族感情national feelings

4. 祖國統一national reunification

5. 臺灣同胞Taiwan compatriots

6. 海外同胞overseas compatriots

7. 嚴重挑釁serous provocation

8. 和平統一peaceful reunification

9. 一國兩制one country,two systems

10. 不承諾放棄使用武力never to renounce the use of force

11. 坐視不管to sit idle

12. 分裂言論separatist remarks

13. 國家主權state sovereignty

14. 領土完整territorial integrity

15. 兩岸關係the cross-Straits relations

16. 反華勢力ant-China forces

17. 臺獨勢力elements for Taiwan independence

18. 互諒互讓mutual understanding and mutual accommodation

19. 求同存異to seek common ground while reserving differences

20. 冷戰思維Cold War mentality

21. 禮儀之邦a nation of etiquette

22. 高層互訪the exchange of high-level visits

23. 軍國主義militarism

24. 靖國神社the Yasukuni Shrine

25. 前事不忘,後事之師The past,if not forgotten,can serve as a guide for the future.

26. 以史為鑑,面向未來to take history as a mirror and look forward into the future

27. 一衣帶水的友好鄰邦friendly neighbors with only a strip of water in between

28.一帶一路the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road,“一帶一路”簡稱譯為:the Belt and Road,英文縮寫用:B&R